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  1. about 16 years ago on Drew Sheneman

    Stop feeding him carbohydrates and he’ll lose weight fast. Cholesterol as a risk in stroke, heart attack, etc., is a myth produced by the pill popping industries.

  2. about 16 years ago on Jim Morin

    Not with them, just supporting them.

  3. about 16 years ago on Non Sequitur

    A recession happens to be, economist speaking, 6 months of negative economic growth. Every month for the past several years has had growth. So, where exactly is the recession? Dupes push the theory, while real thinkers, know the answer.

  4. about 16 years ago on Stuart Carlson

    We’re already owned by China, and the rest of the world because of Social program spending. Where have all of you been the last 30 years while I’ve been trying to straighten the world out.

  5. about 16 years ago on Jack Ohman

    I don’t see how they find the time to eat when they are always playing computer games. Maybe parents should feed them less, or turn off the player for a time, and kick their asses outside. I did this with both my children and they turned out fine.

  6. about 16 years ago on Clay Jones

    Why, it’s witchy poo herself.

  7. about 16 years ago on Matt Davies

    Like the alternative to pain and misery (i.e.death), better to suffer under fools than to be one. If you knew anythng about anything you would know that no one is running from anything. When attacked one must answer the attack, The alternative is cowering in a corner in a less than manly fashion. Iraq, and afghanistan should have been inclusive with Iran and Syria, too. In fact, I could argue that Iran, and Syria deserved our wrath more than Iraq based on their 40 years of support of government sponsored terrorist cells. On can seek to place blame, or one can actually take matters into oe’s own hands. The Republicans failed to get us out of the Middle East by creating incentives for powering our nation by other mans, including nuclear, solar, and wind. These could have been easily done through tax incentives which had some real teeth. Meaning, that for every dollar spent on these alternatives, the taxpayer would reduce the amount of money h s/he needed send to the government by a dollar. Thus if someone owed $1000, ut paid out $20,000 for a solar, or other alternative power source, said person/corporate entity would owe no taxes to the government until the $20,000 was paid in full. Would the government have had to cut back some, spend less? Not if the current 40+ year trend of deficit spending is any example.

  8. about 16 years ago on Stuart Carlson

    Nothing like the uber leftists trying to run everything down to the last detail. Seems a former commie country names U.S.S.R. did the same thing, and look where it got them.

  9. about 16 years ago on Tom Toles

    I admit the U.S government made a lot of mistakes. The leftists (communists) are bankrupting us under an uber controlling socialist theology. Social(in)Security (SinS) is about to go broke, which will bring down every other social program. To stop the slide the government will have to fix the numbers, like they did with inflation under Reagan. In other words, they fix the fix so that those who come under government control (SinS recipients, welfare addicts, WICcans, and so many others on socialist programs) cannot get out, and worse, don’t want to, because the alternative is actually taking a look at the Ponzi scheme that socialist ideals entail. So, yes, the leftist politicians in the U.S. government from FDR on, have made mistakes. And, many of these mistakes have led to the U.S. decline in the world. Today, they seek to devalue the dollar by deficit spending to the hilt, why not simply spend less each year as people become better equipped financially, and lower taxes so more people can become better equipped thusly? This system worked here in America for over 150 years, and to the point that even today, with the wealth expenditures for social programs, we still are the worlds leading economy, we have the world’s best military, best prepared, best outfitted, best manpower (our soldiers are the best of the best by the way). So, get off your asses and get to work you commies, and not in some deadbeat government job like Michelle Obama would have you.

  10. about 16 years ago on Bad Reporter
