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  1. about 1 year ago on Betty

    For many years people happily paid a lot of money for cable tv even though they knew it contained commercials. When I paid for cable it cost me almost $200. I dont think Im going to complain about $20 or so a month for something that doesnt have commercials. Heck, people pay $15 a month to get full access to a game that they already paid for.

  2. about 1 year ago on Betty

    There are a lot of things that you buy and then have to pay a monthly fee. Cars for instance. You buy a car outright, you still gotta pay for insurance either a monthly or however you set up payments. It’s more noticeable in the gaming world. World of Warcraft or WoW, for example, you had to pay for the game which could cost anywhere from $30 – $60. Then you had to pay $14.99 a month to have access to your game. They did that for years and billions of people, young and old, paid the monthly fee. Its now free with limited access.

  3. about 1 year ago on Arlo and Janis

    A lot of people don’t really know how to actively listen to what someone is saying. I work with the public in customer service and it’s something I had to learn and constantly practice. To put it simply, if they are asking you a question take what they ask and try and rephrase it to get a better understanding of what they are asking. I also try and pause before I answer or speak to someone. It helps and most times the person is happy because you were listening to them. I’ve come to find out that most people just want to be heard and someone to listen to them. :)

  4. about 7 years ago on Baldo

    What would happen, if for some reason, you lost your job, and could not find one before your savings ran out? No job, no money, what would happen? You would have to rely on others and state assistance for help. What about rape victims who become pregnant who do not believe in abortion? They didnt ask to get pregnant but it happened.

  5. about 7 years ago on Baldo

    You are right, the United States is falling behind a lot of other countries, especially in health care. The United States spends the more money on health care than most countries, but has the worst record when it comes to how healthy the population is.

  6. about 7 years ago on Baldo

    I rarely ever run into any Americans who can speak proper English, I believe what most Americans speak is a butchered version of English. I am also guilty of butchering the language. From what I understand, the United States does not have an official language. The reason that English has been prominent all these years is because of how this country became a Nation.

  7. about 7 years ago on Baldo

    According to my U.S. History class, White men invaded what is now known as the United States. White men practically stole the land from the people who were already here, they are referred to as Native Americans. If Native Americans did not bow down, give up their culture and follow the way of White man, then they were, rounded up shackled, tortured, and or killed. No, if truth be told, we should learn the languages of the Native American people because they were here first. Also, according to my U.S. History class, at one point, immigration was about race, because the U.S. government did not want Asians in this country and would hold them at “camps” for months at a time. U.S. History shows that a lot of White men were cruel when dealing with everyone not White or a man.