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When I was her age we ironed our own clothes … uphill, both ways, in the rain, with a dog chasing us, in a tornado.
Now got off my lawn.
@gayfatnakedvet Yeah, reading…
@Darkeforce That’s what they served them with at my school as well - and I’m sure once the lunch ladies were done, the maintenance staff took the leftover potatoes and knife and did some repairs around the school.
Still too close.
Be sure to stop at Rachael Ray’s place.
You got greedy Jason.
I would shop at any place that had those.
I had no idea Big Foot wore shoes.
I’m wondering where he stored the helmet…
I’ve thought and said the same thing every time I had to shovel snow. A flame thrower would be much easier - or a giant hair dryer.
When I was her age we ironed our own clothes … uphill, both ways, in the rain, with a dog chasing us, in a tornado.
Now got off my lawn.