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  1. over 16 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Yeah, hunters are terrorists. Unlike anyone who lives on a diet of meat from the grocery store, obtained from animals that lived Auchwitz-like lives in tiny cages from birth to death, sometimes never once seeing the sun. If you eat meat that other people killed for you, I guess that absolves you of the disgusting sins committed in your name to get that meat to your table? While I, the hunter, am somehow a terrorist for feeding my family on free-range, organic meat from animals that led a healthy, natural life in the wild before having one bad afternoon.

    Pardon me for finding your implied standard outrageously hypocritical. As a hunter, I feel very strongly that what I am doing is the next best thing to being a vegetarian. I started hunting for food because I believe that the experience of the animal matters. The majority of your readers (and you as well? I won’t assume) buy it pre-packaged at the supermarket in order to avoid admitting that the animal matters. How dare you demonize me.