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  1. 1 day ago on Liberty Meadows

    Being a kept woman has its downsides too…

  2. 9 days ago on Ink Pen

    Wasn’t the invisible jet an invention of the Super Friends? And not all incarnations of WW have her able to fly. Where exactly does her flight power come from? Zeus?

  3. 9 days ago on Wizard of Id

    Wow… you have not only drunk the libtard Kool-aid, you’re making another pitcher! There are well over 100k federal gov’t employees who are 0% productive… they deserve to be unemployed. Women don’t have the right to kill the child they conceived out of stupidity. Murder is not birth control. DEI does not prevent racism or bigotry, it just prevents people who are more capable from getting a job. I’ve lived it for 18 of the 27 years I’ve been in corporate America. USAID doesn’t prevent kids from starving, not when 99% of the money goes to political movements and the rich and powerful in those 3rd world countries. And for love of all that is holy… do some reading on history. This is as far from fascism or a dictatorship as you get, and Trump is the antithesis of Hitler. The Nazis were a minority party in Germany in the 1930’s. Even under Hitler’s rule, Nazis were less than 40% of the population. The majority of people voted for what is happening.. you know, purging the federal government of waste and grift? You notice the people raising the alarms are the same people who have benefitted from all those con jobs going on under Democrat-led government. Do yourself a favor and stop reading mainstream media and watching CNN. Find independent news sources that just tell you facts, not opinions.

  4. about 1 month ago on Liberty Meadows

    ugh… he’s too chicken poop to open up and she’s seen no sign he cares enough to make the time for her. Honestly, marrying the creepy guy is a better decision. Reminds me a lot of what happened to Louis on “Suits.”

  5. about 1 month ago on Luann

    Honestly, Bernice is more messed up than Luann. She really should focus on becoming a lawyer because she will be a disaster as a therapist. I can see her misdiagnosing people all over the place based on her own issues.

  6. about 1 month ago on Luann

    You don’t like it? Move.

  7. about 1 month ago on Luann

    You had better have some documentation of that because I just researched all the actors who either voiced Barney or were in the suit. David Joyner owns and operates a tantric massage practice, and that’s the limit of any “unsavory” history. What you just said amounts to libel and you could be sued by the company that owns the Barney rights.

  8. about 1 month ago on Luann

    That Flintstones movie sucked hard. Horrible idea really.

  9. about 1 month ago on Luann

    As a college freshman I had a high school GPA of 4.2 and an IQ of 159 (tested and documented). I also had zero social skills, tons of childhood trauma (undiagnosed), ADD (undiagnosed), dyslexia (undiagnosed), and had been told what to major in and what career path to follow by teachers, counselors and my parents. Mix that together and you get 5 years of barely staying in school and getting no closer to an education or a career than when I started. That was 35 years ago. My 5 years of school cost less than 1 year of current expenses. If 18 year old me tried what I did then under today’s conditions, I’d be working as a landscaper or on a golf course until I was 50. My saving grace was getting offered an entry level job by my sister-in-law’s father. Networking is the name of the game. If what you want to major in does not directly lead to a $60k/year job in 3-4 years, change majors or go learn a trade. Get a paying job and then you can afford to have hobbies that interest you. This whole “find a way to get paid doing what you love and you’ll never have ‘a job’” crap is garbage.

  10. about 2 months ago on Luann

    THAT kind of thinking is what led to the current horrific state of higher education in this country. College is to learn stuff so that you can get a job and start a career. Nobody has the luxury of “finding themselves” in college anymore. It’s too freaking expensive for that crap.