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Brockie Free

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  1. about 2 months ago on Non Sequitur

    With most women the movie is The Twilight Zone

  2. 3 months ago on Non Sequitur

    Drain the prisons to replace the illegal immigrants to be deported at an estimated cost of 88 billion dollars. Bigly solution.

  3. 4 months ago on Non Sequitur

    After age 75 life can be kind of a rerun too…

  4. 4 months ago on Non Sequitur

    Some of you may read the cartoon by Clay Bennett, he is a liberal artist and those of us who read his comic each day have been prevented for months from commenting at all, none, zip, nada because our comments were evidently irritating some folks although anyone of any stipe could and did comment and I never once saw a truly objectionable comment, we still cannot comment even thought the election is over, as is our freedom, but anyway we can comment here, weird, thanks to Go Comics I guess, so much for opinions and free speech but maybe we should expect that. Hmm.

  5. 4 months ago on Non Sequitur

    After 52 years of marriage I still am working on a plan to run away, if I had know it was going to last this long I would have said “maybe”…

  6. 7 months ago on Non Sequitur

    Er, ah seems to me that an apple is what got us into a mess in the first place.

  7. 8 months ago on Clay Bennett

    A physician specialized in Parkinson’s disease has made at least two visits to the White House and I suspect it was not for tea, my guess is Biden is in the early stages of the disease marked by difficulty walking, stumbling, cloudy mental lapses and other cognitive issues, what would he be like in four years, he is running due to selfish ego, Harris needs to be the frontrunner with a young, articulate, male hispanic for VP, otherwise enjoy you loss Dems, seems like you have very little cohesiveness or even a plan at all, sad. I am stuck in the red state of Kansas Signed, a socialist, flaming, kindhearted liberal….

  8. 8 months ago on Clay Bennett

    If Biden’s pride, and delusional ego allow Trump to rein then he is simply a fool, we do know that, right? This sure as heck ain’t funny that a major political party can remedy this due to mental constipation I guess. Tragic. Really is.

  9. 8 months ago on Clay Bennett

    Yeah, compared to Trump almost anyone looks good whatever that means, Joe is not electable, just keep telling yourself he is better than Trump, yes he is, whatever, still unelectable.

  10. 8 months ago on Clay Bennett

    If Joe can sacrifice his delusional pride and ego and let someone else run we might, just might have a chance, Harris could be Pres and she should choose a young, eloquent, attractive male for VP, done, Hispanic would be good too. If you wonder if she could find a qualified person for VP, heck with Trump qualifications evidently do not matter to a lot of the public, tune in on November 5 for the final episode, hope not, of a free America, if the GOP gets in they will skewer and steal everything for the own purpose, a dumbesty, er, ah dynasty.