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Recent Comments

  1. over 9 years ago on The Argyle Sweater

    Still here — but thanks for the early condolences. Please, no flowers.

  2. about 11 years ago on The Argyle Sweater

    Clarification was requested regarding the dates of the Sunny Street cartoons in question in an effort to determine where and when they appeared. This information was not provided. Because the images of Sunny Street in question do not appear on GoComics and were uploaded externally, issues of copyright infringement also come into question. For these reasons, the images are being removed.

    Regarding comments left on comics pages, all users are encouraged to read GoComics’ Terms & Conditions (www.gocomics.com/help/terms), in particular the policies outlined in section 3. LIMITED NON-COMMERCIAL LICENSE TO USE SITE AND APPLICATIONS.

  3. about 11 years ago on The Argyle Sweater

    I’ll wait for a reply before proceeding, but I do think the accusations of plagiarism are unnecessary, unfair, and unsupported by the facts. As such, they serve no real purpose other than to 1. Harm Scott’s reputation or 2. Promote Sunny Street at Scott’s expense. I don’t believe this forum is appropriate for either. As I said, I’ll wait for a reply before proceeding, but my inclination is to remove the prior posts regarding the Sunny Street cartoons since the facts simply don’t support the accusations.

  4. about 11 years ago on The Argyle Sweater

    Second — these dates presented for the Sauron Visine cartoons present a problem for your argument. If the Sunny Street ran on 11-26-13 — as its dating and copyright information suggest — and The Argyle Sweater version ran on 12-11-13, that would leave 18 days between the two cartoons. However, Scott uploads and entire week’s worth of cartoons no later than 10 days prior to the first day’s run date. In this case, Monday, Dec. 9 was the start of the week. Accordingly, the entire week of Dec. 9-14 would need to be posted no later than Friday, Nov. 29 to meet this deadline. Interestingly, that was the Friday after Thanksgiving. Our offices were closed for the holiday — Thursday and Friday. So Scott’s panels were actually uploaded into our system on Tuesday, Nov. 26. Ironically, that is the very same day listed as the run date of the Sunny Street version of the Sauron Visine panel. Yet (and here is my point) Scott submits all of his ideas as hand-drawn roughs, and we have a back-and-forth dialogue about many of them. This usually happens over the course of at least a couple days. What i can tell you is that I first received the Visine panel as a rough on Thursday, Nov. 14. I returned it to him on Friday, Nov. 15 — a full 11 days before the Sunny Street version supposedly appeared … somewhere.

  5. about 11 years ago on The Argyle Sweater

    I’m Scott’s editor and wanted to enter the fray in this conversation. Before doing so, however, I’d like to ask about these two Sunny Street ’toons that have been presented. Where were they featured? Could I view them online somewhere? I ask because the panels you posted are dated for 01-05-2014 (Snowman Shave) and 11-26-2013 (Sauron Visine). Yet, when i visit the Sunny Street site right here on GoComics, neither of those cartoons appear on those particular dates. Can you explain where exactly Scott would have been able to see these?

  6. over 13 years ago on The Elderberries

    And the “photo” of you on my wall from yesterday’s strip is actually a CCTV feed from your office. You knew that, right?

  7. over 15 years ago on The Argyle Sweater

    “The Argyle Sweater’s” creator, Scott Hilburn, has written an apology on his blog.
