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  1. over 15 years ago on Ted Rall

    And here’s food for thought courtesy of Arthur Silber’s blog, Power of Narrative.

    “With these observations in mind, here is the true story I came across just over two years ago:

    A few nights ago while twin #1 was taking a bath, I spent some quality time with twin #2.

    I could hear twin #1 splashing around in the tub, but I didn’t think anything of it. When I finally went into the bathroom to help him get cleaned up, I saw water All. Over. The Bathroom Floor. The towels and bath mat were soaked and water was dripping down the side of the tub and the bathroom walls.

    Furious and trying to control my temper, I asked twin #1 why he splashed the water out of the bathtub. I could tell he felt ashamed, because he wouldn’t look at me and he wouldn’t answer.

    Of course I realized that this could be an excellent “teachable moment” about impulse control, so I knelt down and spoke to him. I told him that I was very disappointed, that I really didn’t like what he did. I asked him again why he did it, and he still didn’t answer. Then I asked him “Do you know what we call people who know what they are doing is bad, but do the bad thing anyway?”

    He replied, “Democrats.”

    If you are a Democrat or identify yourself as a liberal or a progressive, does this story enrage you? Does it strike you as immensely unjust and utterly false? Do you perhaps think that this manner of describing all Democrats is no different in principle from vicious stories that describe all African Americans, or all Jews, or all gays and lesbians, or the members of any other group in similar fashion? Do you think it is especially awful, even terrible and abusive, to “teach” a very young child in this way, about issues he cannot possibly understand?

    You would be right to feel and think all of that. Would your reaction be different if the young boy instead had replied, “Republicans”? Please consider that question very carefully, and as honestly as you can. Your reaction should not be different, not in any respect, not to even the smallest degree. If it is, I respectfully suggest that you consider the following argument with special care.

    In fact, the boy did reply, “Republicans.” You will find this story – a true story, offered with pride by the mother – at Daily Kos.”

  2. over 15 years ago on Ted Rall

    “The big difference between then and now is that nobody’s telling the Obama haters they’re not Americans or that they are traitors. They’re projecting.”

    You’re right, no one does that.

    [4 comments later]

    “I pointed out I DID leave the country, to fight in Viet Nam, and my son left to fight in Bosnia and Iraq. I suggested he might book a flight.”

    Repeat: “I suggested he might book a flight.” Um.

  3. over 15 years ago on Ted Rall

    “On a related topic, why do people think taking out heads of state will lead to more moderate leadership? That sort of thing destablizes countries and that tends to radicalize leadership.”

    I think it’s more about doing justice and drawing lines on what can and cannot be done. I wouldn’t have leaders assassinated, but rather, I would have them judged for their crimes. That would be enough I think. And it’s already far more than what anyone would accept in the US, or anywhere else.

  4. over 15 years ago on Ted Rall

    So long as I have your attention, watch out for WMD mark 2. This time, the target is Iran. And what do you think happens ? Well Obama’s administration is going Bush-y on Iran. Everyone’s getting apoplectic because the IAEA said there was more uranium than they thought. Guys, the IAEA is all over the place in Iran. There is no way Iran could develop a nuclear weapon without them knowing.

    Well, I guess no one here will believe this. I’ll probably get called a lunatic of the fringe, once more.

    But wait another two years, you’ll probably hear the NYT apologize once again and promise not to spread bulls**t ever again. The key to spot bull’ is the words “anonymous official.”

  5. over 15 years ago on Ted Rall

    “No really good answers here that I can see.”

    I personally don’t see where the dilemma is. A dictator wastes people’s lives for his own ends of domination. It’s up to the people to stand up to him, not some country on the other side of the planet. If they won’t move, then they’re going to get what they’re not willing to fight against. Some people prefer to live, even under dictatorship. It’s cowardly, but it’s their decision to make. Again, they’ll be the ones who pay for their cowardice, and that’s how it should be. In the case of the invasion of Iraq, Americans make Iraqis pay for something they didn’t choose. It could even be argued that Saddam’s dictatorship is a product of CIA action. Wasn’t Saddam working for the CIA once ? Against Commies ? I think he did.

  6. over 15 years ago on Ted Rall

    “I don’t like leaving Afghans to those monsters, but you kinda hit the head on the nail there, littlehorn.”


    That’s not how I see things. We are not in control of Afghanistan, or any other place on the planet, for that matter. The Afghans control Afghanistan. The Talibans could only rule because they were tolerated by the population. And while war and occupation are waged on behalf of the people, they rarely are the ones who decide this, and they always are the ones who pay the most. Something is fishy when you’re forced to pay for something that you don’t want. I believe I’ve read somewhere that most Afghans wanted a withdrawal in the course of the next 6 months.

  7. over 15 years ago on Ted Rall

    “The Afghan women looked so happy when they were allowed freedom from the burkha.”

    Were they ? I thought it just went on as usual, and the occupation did not change anything in that regard. That makes better sense. Did you really think bringing over guys with guns would change anything ? No. I suppose not.

    It was probably more a projection of our values on people living on the other side of the planet.

    Yet, what tells you the Afghans opposed the Talibans as much as you would have ? And for the same reason you would have ?

    You do know that prior to the Talibans, there were warlords, who cared just as much about civil liberties and emancipation. The situation was such that when the Taliban won over those warlords, the West, including the US, welcomed the change, saying it would bring stability.

    There was even a time when Mullah Omar sent a Taliban delegation to Texas, to negociate the construction of a pipeline.

    In light of the previous, the least you can say is America is not in Afghanistan to restore civil liberties. It is ridiculous to claim otherwise, and dishonest to lament the Afghan women’s plight. They had the same plight in 1998 (if my memory serves correctly), when the Talibans visited America and were welcomed with open arms.

    Oh, and by the way. Have you heard what they’re saying about Karzai ? That he doesn’t stop the opium traffic. Fact-check: the opium traffic exploded IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE INVASION. This has been happening for YEARS. And it makes bleeep sense. You destroy the government that was keeping a lid on the traffic, OBVIOUSLY the opium is going to flow a lot more after its overthrow.

    Again, it’s profoundly dishonest to blame Karzai for it, and especially considering the fact that he has no control outside of Kabul. He’s nicknamed the “mayor of Kabul” there.

  8. over 15 years ago on Ted Rall

    “Leaning too far in either direction always ends up in disaster. That’s why this Red State/Blue State mentality is so dangerous. Extremists on both sides demand all or nothing, when the majority of Americans probably support compromise.”

    Would you call the War in Iraq a disaster ? Good. Cause the compromise position in 2002 was to support it. That’s what Republicans and Democrats did. How “reasonable” and “serious.” And what a terrible thing this red state/blue state mentality is. Good thing people didn’t trust those extremists on the streets. Good thing they think the 2 guys who voted against the war are lunatics who demand “all or nothing.”

    And what a strange charge. Let me remind you the last bullshit Reps/Dems went up with: either the bailout or we die (not in those terms, but that was the idea). THAT is all or nothing. THAT is being unreasonable.

  9. over 15 years ago on Ted Rall

    “So, while I am glad that Gitmo will close, I wonder just where the folks will be housed, since none of their countries want them back.”

    It’s the second time I read this, and it’s the second time I’m thinking, “Really ?”

    I mean, you got the list of detainees ? You asked each government about taking them back as high level detainees ? Or more accurately, because I don’t suppose you would know how to do that, did someone in the press call each government to check the above assertion ?

    I’m sorry, but it looks like you’ve made up the above, entirely. I have a hard time seeing why a country would not “take back” a citizen, as dangerous as he may be. America is not the only country with jails, you know.

    “I believe the best political leaders present truths and then guide by leading to enlist people to confront challenges and improve our nation.”

    I believe political leaders are representatives, and they are elected to do their constituency’s bidding, nothing else. Or better yet, they are elected to implement the program that their constituency decided on.

  10. over 15 years ago on Ted Rall

    “what may seem simple from the outside, frequently is not once you get into it.”

    Well said.

    “and I know for an absolute fact that I do not know all the facts that Obama and his top people now know. That’s as it should be. I don’t understand your hostility, because I have directed none toward you.”

    Did I show hostility ? Sorry. It was not intended. I don’t have any problem with anyone’s ideas.

    And no, it’s not as it should be. People remain free depending on whether they know the truth. If the government holds the facts, and not the people, then what’s to hold that government from abusing this ignorant population, by lying to it about fake dangers ? Isn’t that exactly what happened with the WMDs and the war in Iraq ?