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RichardT Free

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  1. over 15 years ago on Dick Tracy

    So the tiger is supposed to eat an emaciated DT, and a lady with skin disease for dinner? Someone call PETA.

  2. over 15 years ago on Dick Tracy

    Well this sensless plot makes sure that the death of the trapeze girl happened for no reason. It’s as ridiculous as parading a witness that you want to hide in front of thousands of people every weekend, all over the U.S.

    I keep trying to set my standards low enough to be able to appreciate the stories in this strip. Just like in limbo contests, DT keeps dropping the bar on me.

  3. over 15 years ago on Dick Tracy

    It must be a dream sequence. A closed-eyed DT reaches out his hand to go for a handshake or side-five, and bubbles float in the back ground. Ringo left him hanging.

  4. over 15 years ago on Dick Tracy

    Hey man, how could they take out Grok like that? He was the best post here, every day.

  5. over 15 years ago on Dick Tracy

    Ringo seems to be slowly backing away from DT every day for the past three days.

  6. over 15 years ago on Dick Tracy

    Panel 1 - What exactly is above our police officer’s belt buckle?

    Panel 3 - The forensics department can’t read. They seem to be relying on Tracy’s “interpretation” of the ransom note.

    Panel 3 - Love the little window. Of all the errors we see in this thing daily, along with the dismal plot, how do they have time to draw (poorly) unnecessary features like that window?

  7. over 15 years ago on Dick Tracy

    Hutch, most people come here to laugh at the postings. Often they can’t help themselves and post some sort of mocking comment of their own, which perpetuates the downward spiral.

    Bunch of sickos.

    Not me though. I think Dick Tracy is hot and cheaper than viagra.

  8. over 15 years ago on Dick Tracy

    It’s bad enough that you are going over your case strategy with the suspects all in the room. But one of your suspects is literally a clown.

  9. over 15 years ago on Dick Tracy

    DT seems delirious today. Although I am not a medical doctor, I have seen enough snickers commercials to be able to identify a case of hunger when I see one. It seems that skipping that pizza and only having a little bit of popcorn is affecting DT’s vision, hearing, motor skills, lucidity, mojo, personal odor, balance, and sexual orientation. I recommend snickers.

  10. over 15 years ago on Dick Tracy

    Check out that outfit in panel 3. Male circus performer in a bro/manzier AND a banana hammock? He is gonna need a lot more arms if he wants to cover up all of the embarassing parts.