This happened to me wen I was a little kid with my friend Evan. I was about 5. We were in his backyard with some girl- who i forgot the name of- and we walked seemingly a half hour. We looked back and his backyard was there. Heh, I think it was becse his parents wanted us back in. Evan cried because I carried the backpack with the goldfish crackers and he didn’t. I still talk to Evan sometimes.
This happened to me wen I was a little kid with my friend Evan. I was about 5. We were in his backyard with some girl- who i forgot the name of- and we walked seemingly a half hour. We looked back and his backyard was there. Heh, I think it was becse his parents wanted us back in. Evan cried because I carried the backpack with the goldfish crackers and he didn’t. I still talk to Evan sometimes.