" if you want to get an education in college, you need a liberal arts major; everything else is just trade school"So scientists, mathematicians, teachers, doctors, lawyers, engineers and such are all just “trades people”? I think a few of us might just take issue with your opinion.
As for a “liberal education” more than not it is a degree in partying. However, as I write this – yes, that would be by definition a “liberal education”.
Methinks you should get off your high horse and get in touch with reality. Some of us didn’t have parents to fund college or even have parents period. I, for one among many, would never have made it to college without scholarships.
And if you don’t believe that there are huge inequalities in access to education you have your head in the sand. Not very many students that need scholarships or loans have parents that have the wherewithall and to bribe admittance officials of top tier schools. (Those were just the ones that made the news. A tip of the iceberg.)
No, the spelling was for the plural – potatoes vs potatos. IIRC, Quayle originally spelled it correctly but was “corrected” by a teacher(?) before the public spelling.
Of course the media blew this all out of proportion and the ones laughing most were the hypocrites who couldn’t spell it correctly themselves. Just like today.
So smart of you to trust your life with testing by computer models. They are faster, cheaper and, of course ethically clean. It is by no doubt that they are unquestionably accurate as famously proven by the model proving that bumble bees can’t fly.
Really??? You think something like “… an house …” is correct?