Dennis Wiles You can still get Zaganut bar at the Publix store near me in Florida. They also have Zero bars and some of the classic candy bars from the eighties and before. If you have a Publix in your area you should be able to special order them and the store will charge you fr them. If you dont have a Publix near you then you can go to or and you may be able to find them their.
Hunter7 The reason that they cut his points is as you lose weight you burner few calories than when you were at a heavier weight.
I have been wearing no line bifocals for 3 years and the lined bifocals for 3 years prior to that and my doctor refuses to put me in contacts because of my eyes and their have recently been some issues with them. What i was told is that if you don’t have pretty equal vision then the bifocal contacts will not work at all for you.
Its more Yorky’s size. His poorjaws must have been hurting carrying around a big bone for him.