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- about 16 years ago on Dick Tracy
about 16 years ago
on Dick Tracy
“You realize that you are comparing apples to oranges, right? Chet didn’t operate in the same “editorial” environment that Locher does. Chet was the CREATOR of the strip and PERSONAL FRIENDS with Col. McCORMICK and Joe PATTERSON, which allowed him a great deal of leverage and latitude. Both McCormick and Patterson were made of sterner stuff than today’s newspaper people and would not knee-jerk react to any criticism of the paper or the features. In fact, they actually were willing to LOSE READERS if they completely believed in a cause. Something sorely lacking in today’s newspaper environment where, because of the HUGE corporate ownership of those enterprises, they’ve been forced to chase every reader and every dollar which has forever, totally and completely changed the news business in this country.
Locher operates in an environment where they regulate how many guns he is allowed to show on panel every year, how many car chases he’s allowed, how many dead bodies he’s allowed to show, how much of a woman’s body is acceptable, etc. And those are just the ART rules!
So making a comparison to Chester Gould, along these lines, is not a fair comparison at all.
Also, remember, Chester believed in moving forward at all costs. He didn’t listen to the critics (Moon era anyone, or the law-and-order era of the 70s anyone?). He moved forward with his vision and if people didn’t like it, he said the heck with’em.
Remember, TMS approves EVERY strip that Locher does and they OWN the strip. Consider that.
You are totally correct, MPH. But the bottom line is that the ridiculous snail’s pace of this strip with the silly story lines are not worthy of calling this “Dick Tracy” in any way, shape or form. I guess I get sucked in every day with the false hope that it will improve, but I really know it’s only getting worse by the week.
about 16 years ago
on Dick Tracy
This whole story line is absurd. The events of the last three weeks would be condensed to three days if Mr. Gould were the author. I am amused at the other postings here making fun of Locher, etc., but let’s not forget that the Dick Tracy comic strip used to be a part of growing up for millions of loyal readers. As you read the first 5 volumes of Mr. Gould’s works beginning in the 30’s, you quickly realize that the story lines have a delicate balance of politics, education and entertainment that’s not found in any other medium today. The modern day Dick Tracy strip should be terminated ASAP. It is an abomination of disrespect for the original author’s unique style and imagination that made Dick Tracy worthy of reprinting in the hardcover volumes available today.
over 16 years ago
on Dick Tracy
I’m NOT reading this everyday, and heaven only knows how many readers have given up for good. I check it out once a week, and still don’t miss a thing.
I’ve been reading the complete Chester Gould collection of Dick Tracy from 1933-1935 now. This old stuff is great! It doesn’t even remotely resemble the daily drivel we’re faced with now. Try these books out - they bring back great memories in more ways than one.
over 16 years ago
on Dick Tracy
Tomorrow? It will probably be a week from now when we hear the explanation. Seriously, Dick Tracy has been my favorite since I was a kid (about 45 years back). I’ve endured the long, strung out, stupid story lines from Locher, but this takes the cake. The s-t-r-e-t-c-h has always been tedious, but this ends it for me. I’ve just received volumes 2-5 of the Dick Tracy reprints from day one, and they are well worth the money! I’m through with the drivel in the strip now, but I must say that I get a good laugh every time I read all of your comments!
over 16 years ago
on Dick Tracy
The repetive nature of Dick Tracy is absolutely ridiculous. The last two days are the worst ever. It is virtually unreadable now. It’s obvious the present authors have long ago run out of material. Please sell it or give it away to someone that really would like to carry on the unique traditions of a formerly famous comic strip!
MPH, I get the point. But what does any of that have to do with the obvious lack of substance, stalling and repetitiveness we see ad nauseum? Just move it along faster and it would help tremendously.