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  1. over 16 years ago on Prickly City

    Silver, if you honestly think anyone on this page is ranting, you definitely have a different definition of ranting than most people I talk with via forums. Everyone who has anything to say about this strip in particular (not about each other) on this blog has done so pretty well and without a “rant.” Even the ones I disagree with.

    Toby is an apologist who is afraid of offending any conservatives with their head in the sand, as well as anyone who might actually have “real” experience (the inner peacemaker lost out to the inner political correkto on that one) that is sad (e.g. jimmyb).

    You pigeonholed yourself, silver. I had nothing to do with it. If you don’t like being pigeonholed, then say what you mean and don’t spend the two posts saying something, then spinning it in the next one. Your first comment was in no way “neutral” and you know it. The “ranting” style you apparently see is nothing more than a listing of actual facts that are being drawn on to show that (once again) a right-wing windbag has way too much mainstream air-time, even in something as seemingly harmless as a comic strip. Stantis’ assertions, even in jest (and come on, we both know they’re not really in jest) are beyond ludicrous.

    As someone pointed out. If the equivalent were said of Republicans (Neo-Nazi), the whine response would probably be 10-fold what it is here. But nobody out-whines conservatives… the head whiner-in-chief himself is unbeatable (Rush).

  2. over 16 years ago on Prickly City

    Yes, silverstate, so true. Isn’t it obvious? Anyone providing counter opinion to propaganda in whatever form it takes, MUST be either a communist, a terrorist… or… or…even WORSE! A DEMOCRAT!!! AAAAHAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

  3. over 16 years ago on Prickly City

    catsmeow, how dare you insinuate that the Chinese Communist party could be compared to our wonderful, upright conservatives in this magnificent country!

    How many communists are having steamy, hot man-sex with each other in public restrooms, or in their repressed closets, while denouncing homosexuality at the same time? Huh? Communists got nothing on our glorious conservatives!! :)