Unless there’s another kid in that crib, ’baby’s" not only needs the apostrophe William seeks, but needs to be singular, too. Or, should it be hyphenated—-babies-app time??
I hope this is a comment on iCloud and not on Steve Job’s creativity because SJ would never design a cloud like this. His genius was making the complex simple without losing the beauty of the design. This “cloud” is not simple, it’s simplistic.
And… in keeping with the theme of the comic, shouldn’t the ad to the right “around the web” read W (web site) then T (Twitter) then F (Facebook)—-WTF? :o)
Unless there’s another kid in that crib, ’baby’s" not only needs the apostrophe William seeks, but needs to be singular, too. Or, should it be hyphenated—-babies-app time??