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Recent Comments

  1. about 16 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    What a nice wrap-up to a wonderful comic series! Am looking forward to the “new” story, however “recycled” it may be (as some are already complaining, without having seen it yet). Have always enjoyed the fact that the story is set in Canada; it’s part of the strip’s appeal, in my opinion. Although both my parents were born in Detroit, MI, my mother grew up in Ontario, so I have always had a “soft spot”, so to speak, for Canadiana, if that’s the right word (my spell checker doesn’t seem to think so…).

    Again, it’s sad to see that some people have to inject their homophobia and negativism into the comment section here. If you don’t like, don’t read it. If you are afraid of people that are unlike yourself, you miss out on a lot of interesting people. I truly believe that “Variety is the Spice of Life” and that the world would be a much duller place if we were all alike.

    I understand that some people, like TheComicReviewer, may be uncomfortable with homosexuals or homosexuality, but I don’t understand why the mere mention of it gets you so disturbed. It’s not going away; even other species have homosexuality, so, if you are a so-called Christian, that should be evidence that it is entirely natural. God doesn’t make mistakes, as they say! Although, I wonder, sometimes, with all the suffering, poverty, war, famine, etc. if He/She is really on the job. But that is MY personal belief, and I don’t try to impose it upon anyone.

    I wish others felt the same way about imposing their beliefs on me. There is a difference between free speech and hate speech, and I think some of the commenters here have crossed that line. I am looking forward to the new storyline, and on that positive note, I hope that everyone here can learn to accept each others’ differences, if they can’t learn to appreciate them.

    All my best to LJ, and thank you for many years of reading pleasure.

    Dr. Gary, North Carolina, USA

  2. about 16 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    Dear Bigots, And just how does something two adults do in private affect you? It’s none of your GD business! “Judge not lest ye be judged.” Whatever happened to “Live and Let Live”? There are a lot of things in this world that I don’t particularly care for, but if they don’t harm anyone, I don’t worry about it, and certainly wouldn’t try to outlaw something just because it wasn’t my cup of tea! If you didn’t care for vanilla ice cream, would you try to wipe it off the face of the earth? Sadly, some would. Personally, I would just not buy that flavor, since it doesn’t bother me that others have different tastes. And that’s all this really is about, just some people trying to impose their tastes on the world, using pseudoscience and the Bible to justify their bigotry. However you label yourself, it’s just hatefulness to fear a form of love that you don’t understand. All that bleeep about diseases, etc. is just that, BS. I remember talking at work one day years ago and this guy was ranting about perverts, and he didn’t seem to know that there is a difference between a pedophile (person who molests children) and a homosexual (someone who has relations with a person of their own gender). When I pointed out to him that most child molesters were grown men molesting little girls, he refused to believe, even when later in the week, I brought in one of my Dad’s psychology journals (he was a psychologist) proving my point. Talk about a closed mind! I guess if you really want something to be true, you don’t let a little thing like facts interfere. It’s sad that in this day and age there is still so much fear and hate directed toward minority groups, including sexual minorities. I thought we had grown up and put those childish things aside. Oh well, I still love the strip, no matter how narrow-minded some of it’s readers are; that’s certainly not Lynn Johnston’s fault. My best wishes to her in her future endeavors.

    Dr. Gary in NC, USA