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  1. over 13 years ago on Barney & Clyde

    This is a very thought provoking story line: How shall a child be able to help her very own mommy to stop the fantasizing and realize all that she has. An independent and yet loving child, her (and the child’s) health, the chance to be alone with her child and add those elements to the child’s life that she is the best at; and everyone is best at something. It does not take financial wealth to grow in love, patience, and self-control.

    So, how about we try to give some of our best insights into the ways the young’un can be of help to a “grown-up” who definitely needs the help. Yes?

    The child is the only one of the four main characters who, in my opinion, does not need as much help as the rest. She will probably enjoy each of them “getting better”, in other words more capable than they already are, more well-rounded. In the mean time, if she concentrates on learning from and taking on only the best characteristics from each one, including Barney when/if she is allowed the joy of meeting him, then she can grow up rather well-rounded and a whole person with a lot of capabilities.


  2. over 13 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Large barrel cactus are put by God into the wilderness so that you will not dehydrate: They are full of drinkable liquid, and by scraping off the stickers, you can have a nice green salad of the inside flesh. When there are fruits, that is even more to choose from.

  3. over 13 years ago on Pickles

    DANDELIONS, dear dandelions, are super steamed with a little butter or seasoned oil, and their roots have a gentle taste, too. They were first brought to America by the French, as a cooking vegetable. And we’ve all heard how the French care about their food, and want it better than just “nice”. There is a story that a man came home from work to find his father, who had come to live with him, carefully pulling out the dandelions from his front yard lawn. The son was happily amazed, because his father had not been the least bit interested in the yard, and yet had always kept a garden when the son was growing up. So he commented on his dad’s new interest in the lawn. The older man’s reply: “I’m pulling the dandelions to eat with supper.”

  4. over 13 years ago on Barney & Clyde
    Snakes In Suits: When Psychopaths Go To Work, by Paul Babiak, Ph.D. and Robert D. Hare, Ph.D.

    The first part, about the initial research they did, including their finding that the brain of a psychopath/sociopath does not light up when they look at the word “MOTHER”, they graciously allowed me to read on the internet as a preview; and they also listed all of the fourteen characteristics of psychopaths and sociopaths. I guess they decided to make some money for their time and helpfulness by allowing me to buy the book if I wanted to read the last half of it, which suggests how to keep psychopaths out of your business, and how to get them out if they already sneaked in. Very helpful book for anyone. HalleluYAH, for The Lord YahShua Christ reigns to the glory of God The Wonderful Father.

  5. over 13 years ago on Barney & Clyde

    In Forced Exit: The Slippery Slope From Assisted Suicide to Legalized Murder, author Wesley J. Smith lists many things which can go wrong, includes examples of horrible things already happening to people in other countries, and gives us a legal and social framework so that we can understand what the issues are and what laws need to be carefully put into place to protect us all; then he details for us as individuals what we need to do and to not do in order to make sure that others, including doctors and hospitals, cannot make decisions for us against our will, just by getting us to sign something naively thinking words mean one thing when they will be interpreted a completely different way, against our will.I really praise God for just leading me by His Holy Spirit to take Forced Exit off the shelf at a library. I thought that I would simply skim it. I read the whole thing. Scary at first, but finding out what to do and to not do, and how to protect oneself meant that the scary parts turned into just good reading. By the end of the book, I felt more prepared to face the future, whatever it holds.HalleluYAH, for Forced Exit: The Slippery Slope From Assisted Suicide to Legalized Murder, by Wesley J. Smith.

  6. about 16 years ago on Non Sequitur

    How about “What they already did to themselves, so just let it be.” Changes of ownership mean new jobs with new bosses, and the new managements are much more apt to realize they better do their jobs right. Money in the bank with a poor social reputation generally means divorce plus children going bonkers.. kind of like the Kennedy young male who was passing a football to a friend on the ski slopes when he forgot trees won’t move the way other humans usually will; his brains all over the ski slope is a lesson the Kennedy clan has presented the world on how not to have children who succeed. Good ethics tend to work, even for those who don’t believe in the Creator as the omnipotent god.

  7. about 16 years ago on Close to Home

    DigitalFrog: The reason is that the real saint Klaus was into helping others, and realized that children need accountability and families can use a little help, too: When a child had worked throughout the year to learn to act responsibly towards other children and their own family and the community, then they received a nice present; and if they needed some help to decide to sign up to be helpful to others, then the nice big lump of coal would be useful to keep their own family warm in the winter. Win-win.

  8. over 16 years ago on Wizard of Id

    Ah, but good comes from the word god.

  9. over 16 years ago on Gasoline Alley

    You will. And it will be good, as usual.

  10. over 16 years ago on Doonesbury

    Yah-whoo! The little lady has a role model for a dad.