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  1. about 12 hours ago on Doonesbury

    Wokism is a USA problem, certainly NOT Italian – it is on of the few problems we DON’T have… :-).We have a Public Health systems that works quite well, less competition, more respect for our neigbour, lower baby mortality and better food than USA- all things that help living in the real world and not in a stars-and-striped bubble. USA voted a noisy guy with a red hat and now they have a shortage of sneakers and the eggs over 1$ each, besides being booo-ed by the whole planet: good luck, at least for the next 4 years.

  2. 1 day ago on Doonesbury

    Again, there is no “we” and “they” for USA people seen from outside. If Donald is regularly elected and citizens do not react to his “crimes” (and please consider that Dem presidents did amost the same stupid and shameful things), then Trump and USA are the same entity under the same flag under the same responsibility. From Italy I do not distinguish between Trump and USA as a whole: I see wars, betrayals of allies, economic attacks, tariffs, import taxes, racism, all covered in the same stars and stripes. And with me all the world. So, YES, if USA citizens do no react they are accomplices: resistance is a serious, costly thing and you cannot pay Mexican immigrants to do it.

  3. 1 day ago on Doonesbury

    The nurse with your pills will arrive momentarily….

  4. 1 day ago on Doonesbury

    Instead of whining and making satirical comments, DO SOMETHING until you can! Remember that ALL the German people were considered responsible for Nazism and the Holocaust, not only Hitler and his colleagues – USA citizens are the only ones that can stop Trump – and I mean STOP, not protesting on Instagram and singing calembours on Tiktok.

  5. 8 days ago on Doonesbury

    It wouldn’t shock me anyway. In Italy we eat horse and donkey meat, in Peru they eat guinea pigs, in China they eat (ate) dogs, Inuit eat fermented puffins and Swedish like rotten fish… Civilisation and politic systems don’t depend on the source of proteins.

  6. 8 days ago on Doonesbury

    Not A woman or a BLACK woman but THAT woman. Italy has quite a macho tradition in politics, yet we have a nice blond little lady as Prime Minister – and a brunette as the head of the opposition. The label is important but the content makes the difference. The Left all around the world in THIS particular historic moment has little if anything convincing to say: they lost contact with the lower classes, refused collaboration with the middle class, and begged for a seat at the table of the upper classes. Defeat was written on the wall (in Germany it just happened again, they will need a minority cohalition)

  7. 8 days ago on Doonesbury

    My dear friend, Italians have a “political culture” (whatever it is) which is some dozens centuries older than USA. I wouldn’t call it “culture”, it is more a realism mixed with skepticism and a sprinkle of wisdom – we build our houses in stone, you build them in plywood, we have suffered, managed and absorbed countless invasions, USA pee in their pants if a dude in polka dots pretends to win a girls’ contest… Let’s say we are more resilient. Mr Trump won’t last forever and not for political reasons (he has no adversaries in the foreseeable future) but because he is OLD. Biology does not rely on bombs.

  8. 9 days ago on Doonesbury

    You will pardon me, but Democrats (or the Left, or Progressists, whatever they like to call themselves) are making the SAME, old mistake all over the world – in Italy the situation is not as dramatic as in USA, though. To fight a WINNING right you need ideas MORE appealing than the right. Sarcasm is OK-for a while- but then STOP, make yourself some question about the reasons why you LOST the elections – Dems LOST the elections, no dispute about that – and then pull yourself together, put on a brave face and ACT!What we see all around the world, on the contrary, is a cheated wife that instead of putting on a sexy dress, an intoxicating perfume and starting to flirt with the milkman and the pool cleaner wears a shabby nylon pijama and hides in the laundry closet. It is not speed limits, trans toilettes and hippy judges that will bring you back!

  9. 10 days ago on Non Sequitur

    As my grandma said, “you cannot take them with you”. In some, few years things will change anyway for biological reasons….

  10. 16 days ago on Doonesbury

    If a lie is better than reality for so many people, SHAME on those who ruled reality and made it so ugly.