1/2 negative point for Dad if he went “aging Gen-X” mode and thought the original movie was the only one. 1/2 negative point for Heart if she thinks the recent remake is the only one.
Yeah, some would surely point it out as the downfall of society and place blame squarely on DEI, wokeness, and some recent office-holder or another – but…
Those same people probably already had a meltdown and stopped reading the comics page when Lawrence came out to Michael in For Better Or Worse (in 1993), if they hadn’t already completely freaked out with Andy Lippincott’s coming out to Joanie in Doonesbury in 1976.
Patrick, could you actually comment on and accurately represent the Francis of THIS universe? He has pulled some absolute rocks – dreadfully wrong-headed moves, either delaying action or not taking action with prominent, documented cases. In this era when this abuse is no longer secret, some of the needs of response are better understood, and he has experts he IGNORES and policies he has delayed implementing – when he knows better or should know better, but doesn’t act – he is in some ways more culpable than his predecessors.
Seeing them use the pilates ball reminds me… Back in junior high school (early 80s for me), phys ed class was up to 150 students each period. In winter, we were programmed for indoor activities – two halves of the gym, the weight room, health class, maybe nerf indoor hockey in the cafeteria if gym period wasn’t close to lunchtime. In other seasons, we were programmed for various outdoor sports. In those outdoor seasons, if there was any significant rain, they kept us inside – but weren’t able to swiftly pivot to the same spaces & activities as winter. So… We would play Crab Soccer. The entire class in gym clothes, sitting on the gymnasium floor, two very large teams, obliged to remain sitting, goal lines at each end of the gym with several goalies, and half-a-dozen kickballs & one very large medicine ball in play simultaneously.
Shortened versions are generally licensed versions through the rights holders.
I’ve seen a slightly-shortened but otherwise fully mature Les Mis (fantastic high school production) and a community-theater production of Putnam County Spelling Bee (both the regular script and the G/PG version for local school-vacation drama camp).
…and yeah, lift much of a show without paying and the rights holders will go after you, even if you are school kids. I saw that happen sometime in the last few years with someone – I think it was an adaptation/parody of Hamilton.
Besides, the GOOD drama club moderators are the ones who love theater and teach the kids how the pieces fit together – including the business. We didn’t know much in our high school drama club, but we did know what figured into the budget.
1/2 negative point for Dad if he went “aging Gen-X” mode and thought the original movie was the only one. 1/2 negative point for Heart if she thinks the recent remake is the only one.