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I guess I’m just lucky. I have natural mole tattoos. No ink needed.
Wow! They got him with Elvis, Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster!
Squirrels are evil.
Bob has captured its true essence.
Hey, I should be good at that since I speak fluent curses!
Yeah, this strip makes me want to go get a donut.
Oh, you just made the list, Buddy.
It could have been worse. It could have been a piano.
YAY! Now you can start that horseshoe business you were thinking about.
Looks like a toilet to me. Maybe Lottie was in the bathroom when the librarian blew her top? I can see Lottie irritating them so much they kick the toilet out, too.
I guess I’m just lucky. I have natural mole tattoos. No ink needed.