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Recent Comments

  1. 2 months ago on Speed Bump

    Having more than 5% of the bed and blanket, in my experience.

  2. 2 months ago on Monty

    Your nostrils are exactly the same diameter as your index finger.

  3. 2 months ago on The Buckets

    Venus is never overhead at night.

  4. 2 months ago on The Other Coast

    Animal cruelty, for sure.

  5. 2 months ago on Reality Check

    I was at a MLB park last weekend and I had to grab my own food out of the warmer, place it on the scanner, tap my card and the machine asked if I wanted to leave a tip. A tip for who? Myself? I’m the only one who did anything, the staff just stood there and made sure I didn’t walk off without paying.

  6. 2 months ago on Ballard Street

    Harold is a wise man.

  7. 2 months ago on The Buckets

    Sounds like someone needs to get a job.

  8. 3 months ago on The Other Coast


  9. 4 months ago on Rob Rogers

    Don’t forget, he’s also a rapist.

  10. 6 months ago on Zack Hill

    Apparently links are not allowed. OLT dot com