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  1. over 5 years ago on B.C.

    Being relevant then is being 2019 AD instead of 2019 BC.

  2. over 5 years ago on B.C.

    PWN is a corruption of ‘Own’. Noob as in Newbie. To Pwn a noob is to beat a new guy so bad at a game, he never wants to play again.

  3. almost 6 years ago on Luann

    First of all, glad you spoke your opinion on the stubble. We’re each entitled to have one. But when you create a statement from your imagination and present it as being fact, that’s calumny. Secondly, there are actually six pieces of old art and advertising decorating my home this season, that feature the big guy in red. Perhaps don’t use Santa as a pawn in dissing someone with a different opinion, in order to give a little boost to how you feel about yourself.

  4. almost 6 years ago on Luann

    I usually log in once a week and read everything up to date. I was thinking a couple of strips back it might be time to see Jack with a shave. Unless that’s being saved for a more solemn occasion like a funeral… or a wedding.

  5. almost 6 years ago on Magnificatz

    I have a two syllable name – Russell. I have worked in places where everyone’s name was shortened to one syllable – Russ. I have had people try to call me by a nick name – Rusty. (If my hair was red that would make sense but it’s not red, it’s black.) I have known seniors who have called me Roger, Richard, Raymond – If it began with an ‘R’ I knew they meant me and I didn’t correct them. When we were kids almost everyone got called by whatever rhymed. Russell-Muscle. Brussell Sprout. Most kids were just trying to be funny. We learned fast that the kids who were actually trying to be mean, needed a reaction. Whiney, pouty, sobbing, all this just encouraged them. But if you laughed as well and ignored it, they eventually went elsewhere to get a reaction. I have a niece who used to call me Kafussel. It was the best she could do to say Uncle Russell. The point is that 95 to 99% of this was neither “pure disrespect” nor rude. The names people call me says more about them than it does about me. How I react is what speaks to my person and my character. Most people are not trying to hurt my feelings. If I then choose to be offended when I know very well that hurting my feelings was not intended, I belittle myself. Choose your battles. I don’t care what I’m called when I know it’s meant to be harmless. The people who are the closest to me, the closest to my heart, these people will call me by the name I ask because I am in their hearts, the way they are in mine. No one else really matters.

  6. about 6 years ago on Fowl Language

    If the colors stay the same we should remember which kid is which. Except we wont need it if the kids ever do the “You’re not my father/mother” thing.

  7. over 6 years ago on Peanuts Begins

    The ages of the characters were pretty much pre-school in the first years of the strip. Making them school age and catching Lucy’s age up to match Charlie Brown and the rest, opened up new possibilities for the story lines. Linus and Sally stayed younger. It was when a second brother first came in that I got confused. Lucy called him Rerun since she already had Linus.

  8. over 6 years ago on Peanuts

    My bad. Now I’m the one not reading carefully. :)

  9. over 6 years ago on Peanuts

    It’s a comic. Lucy threatened lots of things and rarely had her bluff called out.

  10. over 6 years ago on Peanuts

    Missed something – he suggested it inspired the scene, not was inspired by. :)