
lindavid3 Free

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  1. over 15 years ago on Barkeater Lake

    Hey, I like ottod’s idea too!! Something more to consider, Corey!

  2. over 15 years ago on Barkeater Lake

    Corey, I love the idea of having reruns while you get settled. I know moving is stressful etc. I have read BL since the beginning.

    You are correct in saying that the naysayers are upset because of the frequency, not the content. The content is great. That is what keeps me coming back.

    I know you want to please the public, but to make promises hoping to keep everyone happy, and then not able to keep those promises, is what bothers me the most.

    I would be happy if there were just one update a week, like on Monday’s, after the hiatus while you are moving. And reruns on Sundays. I don’t want to see BL disappear completely, you have lots of talent and BL is funny.

    Good luck, and thanks for being open to ideas! You have a lot on your plate, I hope you hang in there.

  3. almost 16 years ago on Stone Soup International Sundays

    ejcapulet, I’ve been getting a senior discount at restaraunts since I was 38 years old! I have prematurely gray hair and people just assume I am a senior even though I still have a young looking face. I don’t correct them…. who am I to pass up getting a cheaper meal? But that doesn’t mean I’m old!

  4. almost 16 years ago on Barkeater Lake

    Ha Corey!! love the new work!

  5. almost 16 years ago on Barkeater Lake

    oh to be standing where Corey is right now…. way out in the boonies, wind blowing thru my hair, nothing to see but trees and blue sky… . Can you tell I’ve had a hard day so far?? Getting ready to go for a picnic and fishing!! Life is getting good for the weekend!

  6. almost 16 years ago on Barkeater Lake

    progan01, could you kindly interpret what you are saying? I find it interesting, but I’m not up on foreign languages! Unless I need to read them a certain way, squint my eyes and repeat 3 times? Thanks!

  7. almost 16 years ago on Barkeater Lake

    you’re doing great Corey. Don’t pay attention to the nay-sayers as they can just move on, and they will. This story arc is great, unique and very ingenious.

  8. almost 16 years ago on Barkeater Lake

    negotiations! Looks like everyone is willing to talk… or at least feel the NEED to talk considering their look of weariness!

  9. almost 16 years ago on Barkeater Lake

    seems like it did end once, then started back up after the big bang boom! That was the turning point with this strip, I believe. . The big guy behind Heff was part of a story line back a few years ago. My memory is horrible at best so can’t recall which one, but I do remember seeing him.

  10. about 16 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    I must be computerspeak illiterate… I know what ROFL means (roll on floor laughing) but what does ROFLMBOPMP and ROFLMAOWTIME mean?