“The Olympics are finally here. Mitt Romney has been getting alot of attention for a serious of gaffes he’s made while he’s in London. He’s just screwing up left & right, and in response, Romney said he has nothing but respect for the people of England and especially their monarch… Queen Latifah.” — Jimmy Fallon
“note: In transitioning over to gocomics.com today somehow Hedge has lost all it’s color. Shock, I suspect. The color should return after a few days of acclamation and after Lio squid stops marking his territory all over The Tree That Knows Stuff.”
When the public was debating TARP I agreed with Republicans that it was a lose situation but for a different reason. The Repubs were afraid of too much government in the private sector & I was afraid there wasn’t going to be enough regulation by the government.
“The Olympics are finally here. Mitt Romney has been getting alot of attention for a serious of gaffes he’s made while he’s in London. He’s just screwing up left & right, and in response, Romney said he has nothing but respect for the people of England and especially their monarch… Queen Latifah.” — Jimmy Fallon