P1663 06201226810

hendelca Premium

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  1. 1 day ago on Cathy Classics

    There is one good saleslady! I think Cathy is going to purchase yet another outfit she will never wear.

    Drat! Look Mother Nature, the calendar says it is spring so please will you stop with the snow! We have enough already!I hope everyone is enjoying today – even if you are getting snow too.

  2. 1 day ago on Cathy Classics

    lightenup I too dress up for special occasions like theatre, dinner, movies, etc. My wife doesn’t think I need to but I hear my parents complain if I go out looking shabby.

  3. 1 day ago on Cathy Classics

    I like the small plates! That way I can fill my plate and not overeat. My wife has her china she bought on a trip to Germany years before we met, her mother’s china, and my mother’s china. All with smaller plates than in our daily cupboard. Other than the fact they have to be washed by hand I wish we used them instead of the oversized ones.

  4. 1 day ago on Cathy Classics

    More like frequent dandruff attacks. White flakes from the sky again today!

  5. 2 days ago on Off the Mark

    I have noticed my step count increases quite a bit while riding a roller coaster. My feet are not moving by my arms sure are!

  6. 3 days ago on Cathy Classics

    I always found browsing the physical movie cases, or cards with the case cover, much better than picking a movie by browsing on a screen. The case cover usually had a synopsis of the plot that the online pictures do not have. But then I prefer to purchase the DVD (especially the 3D version) rather than watch it streamed.

    As far as work wear is concerned, Cathy has it right!

    Enjoy this fine midweek day. It must be fine because the sun is shining and not coming down in white flakes.

  7. 4 days ago on Cathy Classics

    Hydration system? I guess that is a fancy way of saying a thermos for water. Hmmm. Would a hip flask with a good single malt whiskey be considered a hydration system? Might be interested in one of those – although the only time I would use it is when sitting around a fire on those pleasant summer evenings.

    Nap time went well yesterday. Felt a little more awake after it. A little stressed today as my wife wants to book a Rhine river cruise for June. There is some availability left but choosing the right cruise is never easy. Any recommendations?

    Anybody need some snow. Getting really tired of watching it fall this winter. Wait, make that spring – sort of. I hope everyone has a terrific Tuesday.

  8. 4 days ago on Cathy Classics

    I am trying to think of the circumstances where a person ‘deserves’ new clothing. Needs or wants ok, but deserves? But it is Cathy after all.

    It was a fun week. Our annual variety show went well although attendance was down from last year. I kind of thought it would be as the show was not held on a government pay week (the last week of the month). It is quite amazing in a small town that has a large senior population how much of a difference it makes. Plus we only advertised for a week and a half instead of a month (definitely not my decision). However the audience we got did enjoy the show which is the important part. Also, we did not lose money which is rather important as the profits we have made over the past 53 years are invested so we can continue to offer two scholarships to students entering their post-secondary education in the performing or fine arts.

    Of course, today I am rather stiff, sore, and tired. My Fitbit said I walked an average of 12,000 steps per day (which is about 8km for me) and all of that up and down stairs. I call it the Kabaret weight loss program – I did lose 4 lbs which is a good thing.

    I hope everyone is having a fun Monday. I think it might be nap time now.

  9. 16 days ago on Cathy Classics

    I don’t think state of the art clarity needs so many words!I managed to sneak in one more day of comics before I head out. No sense getting to the theatre to unload my lighting equipment before the last movie matinee is over.

    Enjoy this fine Thursday.

  10. 16 days ago on Cathy Classics

    In one 7 year period travelling about 3 times a month I saw 17 moose on the way home. I am on constant moose watch when driving at night so have been able to stop safely every time.