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  1. about 16 hours ago on Cathy Classics

    And I’ll bet the silent remark was “Since you are going out with him, hurry up and marry Irving so you can give me grandchildren”.

    Have a fantastic Friday today – and for those fellow Canadians who are looking forward to a long weekend – enjoy the holiday!

  2. 3 days ago on Cathy Classics

    I think Irving expressed very confused feelings – which is what he seems to be feeling. Does that count as expressing your feelings?

    Have a fun midweek day!

  3. 4 days ago on Cathy Classics

    My high school reunion committee has not reached out to me – but then there is no committee. The last reunion was in 1998 when they tore the old school down. There were hundreds of people attending but very few who attended in the 1960’s – my era. Not a real problem since the gang has stayed in touch all these years – although we have lost a few to cancer and heart attack.

    Enjoy this terrific Tuesday.

  4. 5 days ago on Cathy Classics

    I don’t think Irving is concentrating on the important things to be. Let us see now: tough business people – good, fair business people ok but tough isn’t really important. Brilliant investors – not needed as you just have to retain a financial advisor who is. Nurturing parents – yes. Sensitive spouses – yes (if you have a spouse that is). Community leader – ok – but you don’t have to be a leader so long as you are involved in your community. Fabulous athlete -nope – unless you are a professional one. Abs of steel – nope. Great hair – nope.

    Ah well, this is Irving after all.

    I hope everyone is enjoying this fine Monday.

  5. 6 days ago on Cathy Classics

    Is it “write a comment” day today? Must be since I am here writing a comment.

    Had to laugh today as I got caught up on the Cathy strips. The first I read were the email strips which was funny as I spent most of Friday catching up on emails after getting home Thursday. Still have not yet caught up on all the emails but at least the important ones have been acted upon. I deleted lots of them so I think I had better start making use of the ‘unsubscribe’ feature.

    Enjoy this fine (getting some needed rain today) Sunday.

  6. 18 days ago on Cathy Classics

    Every office seems to have a ‘Frank’. They love to forward all kinds of useless stuff. In one office I worked in he liked to forward inappropriate material. Funny, when the terminations started he was the first to go.

    Have a great week everyone. Just waiting here in Toronto to board our flight to Calgary. We are finally getting to visit Banff. We had to cancel two years ago and did not travel at all last year. So looking forward to the next week and a half.

  7. 19 days ago on Cathy Classics

    markkahler52 is right. Nothing has changed but you can now be unfollowed and unfriended and even ghosted.

    Have a fine Monday today.

  8. 20 days ago on Cathy Classics

    Obviously nothing on TV or she could have stopped with the remote. No, I guess not, as she did not have snacks at that time.

    MarshaOstroff – glad to hear you finally got rain.

    Time to mow the lawn yet again. A little cool today. Temp is 20C with a cool north breeze. Maybe the heat from the engine will keep me warm. Enjoy Sunday.

  9. 21 days ago on Cathy Classics

    As others have noted – even more prevalent today. With the advance of technology and the forced isolation of the Covid years I am afraid many of our young people have not fully developed their social skills.

    Have a fun Saturday today.

  10. 22 days ago on Cathy Classics

    Email, like postal mail, is not for urgent things. That is what phone calls are for. Many people expect instant responses to text and facebook messages now but they won’t get that from me. Until my cell phone is implanted into my brain I will ignore it until I have the time to look at it. I am hoping the implant thing won’t happen in my lifetime!

    Another needed rainy day here. I hope you are having a sunny day (even if it is raining).