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  1. almost 15 years ago on Pat Oliphant

    Guess no one understands that any Muslim TSA employee (or Muslim anywhere in the world) who exposes an armed jihadist, risks his/her own life and eternal damnation as an apostate. The incompetence of jihadists should tell all that Islamic doctrine ain’t difficult to understand, but ignorance of that doctrine can be lethal. www.politicalislam.com now provides a complete education on Muslim political doctrine (how they deal with non-Muslims) to any who is interested. The articles at the web-site are most informative on real Islamic thinking.

  2. almost 16 years ago on Glenn McCoy

    Back to the future, but without a Republican congress with a Newt Gingrich nowhere in sight to tame the socialist beast. If they’re not stupid enough to rile America’s 8,000,000 gun-owners this time, they might last over two years as a congressional majprity, but given the “gun-control” history of ALL Obama’s appointees and VP, they’re probably going to do it again. Maybe this time, given the dubious nature of Republicans, voters will be bright enough to send a Third Party to congress.

  3. almost 16 years ago on Matt Davies

    Can you spell F-A-S-C-I-S-M??

  4. almost 16 years ago on Dana Summers

    And how many millions would this amount put in the hands of EVERY American? No bailout would be required and we’d all be buying new cars, homes, etc.; and we could even cancel Social Security and Medicare, paying for our own from the millions. Think about it.

  5. almost 16 years ago on Ted Rall

    Obama claims to have converted from Islam. That would make him an apostate. Google the word to see just who we’ve given the keys to our liberty and soverignty.

  6. almost 16 years ago on Dana Summers

    Last heard, Benz owned Chrysler. Just who are they “bailing out” now with fresh off the presses dollars with nothing to back them but the inflation they guarantee. Has no one told them that the more money they print, the less it’s worth?

  7. almost 16 years ago on Tony Auth

    The Treasury Secretary boldly asserted that he’s a big enough man to change his mind when the facts change. That’s spin for the “fact” that he didn’t have the facts in the first place, and his current “facts” aren’t any better founded or understood.

  8. almost 16 years ago on Paul Szep

    No warrior or former warrior appreciates war - for they know the horrors of it! It ain’t pretty!

  9. almost 16 years ago on Gary Varvel

    The gun and ammunition industries are VERY stimulated! The Obama-Biden team never heard of a gun-law they didn’t like - except “Must issue” licenses for qualified concealed carry by law-abiding citizens. The Dim “leadership” shares their views. Scary!!

  10. almost 16 years ago on Matt Davies

    As lesser evils go, McCain is it. I’m voting for the candidate with more administrative and executive experience than the other three combined - PLUS she has a higher rating of those she governs than any other sitting Governor - better than Bill Cinton when he ran Arkansas! Many hardened femanists are supporting her; others are striking out at the superior examples she sets. The lady exemplifies what a woman not born to or married to wealth or fame can become with little help but a loving husband and true American determination. The rest of my ballot will be for Third-Party candidates. Can’t do any worse than those sitting in congress now! I’m looking for REAL change!