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Recent Comments

  1. almost 14 years ago on Lio

    who’s the girl? kinda looks like one of dr suess characters.

  2. over 14 years ago on Close to Home

    i liked the tm. made me laugh.

  3. almost 15 years ago on Lio

    i wonder if the name on the grave is a michael jackson reference? of course you got to be getting up in years if you remember the movie “ben”

  4. about 15 years ago on Lio

    i never saw it coming and i will never interpret lio’s actions in the same way again. no comic strip in my many years of reading comic strips ever hit as hard as this one. unbelievable. from now on, every time lio does something crazy, i will think of todays strip.

  5. almost 16 years ago on Lio

    not quite rodney dangerfield

  6. almost 16 years ago on Loose Parts

    “I think I’ll die before I get old”, to late Roger.

  7. almost 16 years ago on The Duplex

    but can he do the mary poppins thing?

  8. almost 16 years ago on Birdbrains

    I see the faces and the ice cream. Cant spot the bong

  9. about 16 years ago on The Fusco Brothers

    that is utterly funny.

  10. about 16 years ago on Loose Parts

    very good