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  1. almost 13 years ago on Doonesbury

    @leftwingpatriot — Perhaps you’re being ironic, but it may be “legal” and still rape.

    @palin drome — This doesn’t just apply to unmarried women. There’s a particularly sad story out of Texas of a woman and her husband who decided to abort a extremely deformed fetus. She, too, had to go through this degrading procedure.

    @rmbdot — Crude joke? He is lampooning a ridiculous law and the men who support, and exposing the distress it causes women (and in some cases their husbands). The touch of irony he uses just means that more people hear the message. Rush isn’t smart enough to do that, and he’s just base on all levels.

    Of course, this isn’t just Texas. Georgia, Virginia, Alabama, one of the Dakotas, and several other states have passed or are considering similar invasions into a woman, or family’s, privacy during a difficult time in the effort to make abortion more difficult, if they can’t make it illegal.

    And of course, the rich and well positioned will be able to avoid this sort of thing, just as they were able to get abortions when they were illegal.