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  1. 12 days ago on Dana Summers

    So many experts with so little knowledge. If you care about the truth: 1) Even IF ‘rates’ were lower for immigrants vs US citizens, those rates are NOT lower compared to legal immigrants. (see the Texas study you were probably referring to but you likely never read)2) I am appalled at the lack of compassion you and people like you show for those who have been killed (or family member killed or injured) by illegal immigrants. Proper vetting would have saved lives and injuries/damages, yet your only motivation is political. 3) Did you actually read the paper you are referencing or any others? NPR quoted a large study that has so many assumptions I would not use it to prove anything. For example under “Sources” the authors admit “Ideally, to compare the criminality of immigrants and the US-born, we would want to measure whether an individual committed a crime. However, such data are not available because many crimes are not reported and many offenders are not arrested. As a result, two common proxies for crime are arrests and incarceration. We rely on incarceration as our proxy.” Incarceration means they are convicted and put in jail. That is going to underestimate crimes caused by repeat offenders, by illegal immigrants due to the fact that many states do NOT record/reveal immigration status, and more.4)The Texas study you seem to be referring to says "As important as this question is, there is little data available about illegal immigrantcriminality to answer this question. Most state governments do not record the immigration statuses of those who are convicted of crimes and federal census data on the incarcerated population do not identify illegal immigrants. " Limited data for making big conclusions. The key is illegal immigrant crime period vs if they had not come to US (zero added crime) AND illegal immigrant crime vs legal immigrant crime (legal immigrant crime rate is lower!).

  2. 2 months ago on Views of the World

    you are welcome ;-)

  3. 3 months ago on Michael Ramirez

    advocating murder, I see. What a high road to take…

  4. 3 months ago on Views of the World

    I think things are probably somewhere in between. There are real issues with computer modeling of this sort of thing and Geezer has a point on that, whether you choose to consider it or not (who is the close minded one?). You aren’t winning people over very well with some of your spokespeople predicting doom and gloom within a few years when it is clear it is not going to happen that fast. Increases in CO2 (for example) makes sense but what is the portion of temperature changes that that accounts for? There are also ‘normal’ fluctuations or cycles that were not dependent on humans as Geezer pointed out in one of his earlier questions (implied) and you confirmed by saying it was human-independent. There are also issues with ‘your’ approaches to a solution such as pushing electric cars, etc. When last I checked 60% (US Energy Information Administration-2023) of electricity in the US is generated from fossil fuels and I’ve seen estimates that it is 80-85% worldwide. Seems like you might want to reduce electricity dependence on fossil fuels much more before you push expensive, nonpractical solutions and condemn people who can’t afford your plan and or don’t agree with your computer models… Just a few thoughts but will you open minded, amazingly educated and enlightened trolls consider them? Again, who are the closeminded people? Hmm…

  5. 4 months ago on Views of the World

    Actually, if you look honestly (key word) at what is going on recently, it would be cancel culture Democrats/liberals who try to destroy people they disagree with. Amazing how deluded you all are…

  6. 5 months ago on Dana Summers

    That you have this attitude and still come here to read suggests something starting with Tro…

  7. 6 months ago on Scott Stantis

    So many deceptive comments like this one. If you cause inflation to go up in the first part of your presidency and then it goes down some later in your presidency you (Democrats) then take credit for the down part but not the up!

  8. 7 months ago on Michael Ramirez

    Biden: National debt up, inflation down from when (way up then down SOME), spendaholic, corruption (Trump accusations were found to be liberal lies), etc.

  9. 11 months ago on Views of the World

    Ironing out the problems with our thinking…

  10. 11 months ago on Michael Ramirez

    There are so many deluded people leaving comments on Ramierez’s editorial comics. Bidenomics? What a joke! When has our debt EVER been downgraded below AAA? Inflation coming down? Who made it go up? Biden did! What single financial decision did he make that helped our economy? I can give you a list of the ones that have hurt it. Stop drinking the liberal Kool-Aid!