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  1. over 15 years ago on On A Claire Day

    This is all completely untrue, and it really makes me see red because it reinforces some harmful stereotypes held by people who don’t know any better. Symphony (and opera) tickets come at a wide range of prices, depeneding on where you sit. In addition, there are often rush tickets available for students and sometimes others, or standing room tickets, that are very cheap. In almost all cases it is possible to hear a classical concert for a lot less money than a rock concert, never mind a broadway musical. Of course, it would’ve been possible for Claire to only find $88 tickets at the box office, if all the cheaper ones had been sold out. But that’s her own fault for waiting until the day of the concert to buy a ticket. As for people being “well dressed”? Yes, that’s how people choose to dress at a classical concert; it doesn’t mean they have more money.

    Why does this make me so mad? Symphony orchestras can’t raise enough money from tickets sales to cover their expenses, there are orchestras that are closing down because of this, others live only by the kindness of wealthy donors. They keep ticket prices (or at least a high proportion of them) relatively LOW so as to enable almost ANYONE to attend. And yet there’s this really stupid stereotype in certain circles that classical music is just for rich people. Not for “us” but for “them”. why the authors should reinforce this is beyond me.

  2. over 15 years ago on Baldo

    I notice he’s so much better at this than Baldo…

  3. over 15 years ago on Loose Parts

    The next logical step.

  4. over 15 years ago on Stone Soup International Sundays

    Yeah, avatar, Andy’s a GREAT kid! He’s polite and appreciative to Joan and Wally, he babysits Luci whenever asks, and when Joan and Wally were having financial troubles he got all packed and ready to go back to his parents to save them the expense. And he even appreciates good cooking. May we all have teenagers like that. For crying out loud, let the boy have some coq au vin!

    Holly, on the other hand, IS a bit of a brat.

  5. over 15 years ago on The Dinette Set

    Love the “Apples and Oranges” t-shirt

  6. over 15 years ago on C'est la Vie

    But she was so beautiful when she was happy… sigh…

  7. over 15 years ago on The Meaning of Lila

    Whoever thought of matching bridesmaid dresses, anyway? Why not have your best friends wear whatever they look best in when they stand up with you? Saves a lot of time, money, and nerves, too.

  8. over 15 years ago on The Dinette Set

    If you’re old enough, you may remember Bell Telephone’s slogan “Reach out and touch someone.” I used to own a t-shirt of theirs, with the slogan emblazoned across the chest. But the last word ended up hidden under my arm, so it was just “reach out and touch.” Oops.

  9. over 15 years ago on The Meaning of Lila

    Drew on some level knows what she’s getting into, and has accepted it. There’s no need to spell things out for her.

  10. over 15 years ago on The Dinette Set

    How can a single strip contain so many jokes??