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  1. over 15 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    cabrobst said, about 2 hours ago

    Calvin, you need to get your parents to split up, then they will bend over backward trying to get you on their side, it’ll be pizza night every night. ————

    Seriously? Is that really the answer? Break up the family so he can get his cookies in front of the TV?

    I have watched the sun rise while sitting at the dinner table. I am glad my kids are not difficult when it comes to food. There are too many adults catering to their laziness as well as their children’s taste buds…feeding them fast food. This is one reason why there are more and more food alergies in the states these days. You can also see a decline in the cooking abilities of people. Used to be everyone cooked with the exception of a special night eating out. Now it is a special night if someone cooks. WTF is that all about? All these people complaining about the economy…try eating at home every night…it is cheaper. Put the money in the pocket of someone that matters…you.

    Guess I am just part of the older crowd that doesn’t understand the new generation…fatter, lazier, broke…always wanting to blame everyone else.

    CaLvIn RoX !!!

  2. over 16 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Me and my gf were going to run away a bunch of times. We were going to Disneyland. We would get on our bikes and start riding. Problem is we weren’t allowed to cross the street or go past a certain point on the block cuz there was no sidewalk. So we had to turn around and go back home. :(

    We were 6.