
johndrake Free

Abject Disoriented Programmer The reason some men play with the remote is the same reason some men cheat on their wives: in both cases the poor bloke wants to see what he is missing. Proud member of the Planet Pluto Society In Sane California i got a bull by the horns on a downhill drag. if you find it impossible to be cautious, at least try to accept the inevitable with grace. Excuse the typos - I type with my elbows and my chin and my heels! <br> <b> If we have carbon footprints and we gained enough weight, would the carbon turn into diamonds? </b> <br> Associations: <br> <b> <small><small><small> Numbers Divisible By <big> THREE</big> Society</small></small><br> Planet Pluto Society <br> Signal Intelligence Society <br> Racket Science Society <br> OOPS: Object Oriented Programming Society </b></small><br> <small><small><b>Idea Logical Society</small></small></b> C? ......Si!!

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  1. over 7 years ago on The Buckets

    You have to go through the second panel many times afore you arrive at the first panel…

  2. over 7 years ago on The Buckets

    It has been said that boredom is a measure of the limits of one’s mind.

  3. over 8 years ago on The Buckets

    Ahhh yes! Believe thunder when you see it.