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Sorry Lio but all good things gotta end, eventually sigh
Admit it Flo…you had to see that one coming!-LOL!
Spot on Pab! I know where I was, that day…and will never forget!
Lio really should get a bigger pool for that thing…
Big ego booster you are, Drew.
Sheriff “Nabbem”? Bwahahahaha…ha! I can see where this is headed…
It’s a status thing. Young guy, much older( but still hot ) woman. Both in their prime.
wndrwrthg-magnetic torpedoes? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!! Sorry, but those things went out quite some time ago. I’ll take a MK48ADCAP, please…
Her Majesty wasn’t embellishing tooooo much…
Dump him Lila. He’s got an ego issue.
Sorry Lio but all good things gotta end, eventually sigh