Nikita nose

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human desperately seeking diversity, offbeat humor, bizarre trivia, puns, limericks, good food, and a comfy place to enjoy all the above!

Recent Comments

  1. over 15 years ago on Doonesbury


    Leo’s mom never represented herself as anything other than herself. She loves Leo very much and would do anything to help. Not everyone gets to live in suburbian nirvana. Not many fit into pre-conceived ideas of ‘a good family’. And their sons and fathers are in the military too! doesnt make them any less or any more than others.


  2. over 15 years ago on Doonesbury

    WHAT IS ALL THIS BLATHER ABOUT TRAILER PARK TRASH????? Leo’s mom never represented herself as anything other than herself. She loves Leo very much and would do anything to help. Not everyone gets to live in suburbian nirvana. Not many fit into pre-conceived ideas of ‘a good family’. And their sons and fathers are in the military too! doesnt make them any less or any more than others.


  3. over 15 years ago on Doonesbury

    Yes - the situation is real and probably occurs more than you think. Alex is certainly aware of at least some of the problems BD and Boopsie have had. I know 2 couples, that I know of, that have been through this - from Vietnam. Luckily my husband(Navy) did not actually see combat, and he sleeps like a rock. Anyway - I think Alex and Toggle are very sweet together, his mother is no prude and is probably happy her son is getting back to a more normal life for a guy his age. Alex may a super geek, with x -number of patents and a math, engineering, programming genius, but Toggle is not without ambition and talent and besides, he’s a sweet guy.

    Once again Doonesbury is addressing the real life problems of many Vets. Thank you


  4. about 16 years ago on Doonesbury

    Given this is a historic day, and that the president is elected and change from one president to the next is an ordinary part of our nation; below is a link to background on the one sentence Oath of Office that every president has repeated. And, NO, it doesn’t have ‘state your name’ in it(he he)

    and here is the oath itself*

    I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

    Note - even the president is to protect and defend the CONSTITUTION!

    O Happy Day! gg

  5. about 16 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    the author traveled by dogsled with the Greenland hunters.

    On the next to last day of our trip we emerge from our hut on the north side of Kiatak Island. Jens and Mamarut are boyishly cheerful, despite the disappointment of having no meat to bring home. They race each other up a steep snowfield. Because Kiatak lies farther west than any other land in Greenland, they’re sure that, looking out over Baffin Bay toward Ellesmere Island, they’ll see an ice edge sturdy enough to hold their dog-sleds. This is where the walruses will be.

    What they see astonishes them: There’s no ice edge, only the glitter of open water all the way to Canada. Jens blinks, looks away to one side, then back out at the sea.

    “In my whole life, and that of my father and grandfather, there has never been anything like this at this time of year. Without ice, we can’t live. Without ice, we’re nothing at all.”


  6. about 16 years ago on Doonesbury

    Go Toggle! I am SO HAPPY that he is going to be OKAY. This is a wonderful turn in the story! His enthusiasm is touching.