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  1. over 15 years ago on Non Sequitur

    WoodEye -

    Do you mean, “He -is- dead, right?”

    Maybe it’s some kind of intervention by an extreme support group? Helping him get in touch with his Inner Corpse?

  2. over 15 years ago on Non Sequitur

    You’d think he’d have one of those coffins with a bell that could be rung from the inside, like Donald Sutherland snuck into the train in, in The Great Train Robbery.

  3. over 15 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Again with the bears hiding just around the corner or hiding just inside the store. Now I ask you is that just(ice)?

    I know, I know! Why don’t you come over to my place and we’ll get on my computer and blog about it.

    ‘Gladly’, the cross-eyed bear.

  4. over 15 years ago on Non Sequitur

    ”the polar bears are moving into other areas, where prey is easier to find …They aren’t quite in the cities yet”

    Ain’t it the troof. Speaking of predators and prey, climate change or no, the cities will find those predatorial bears’ habitat soon enough, just like they’ve found all the rest of the wildlife habitat.

    Big Yellow Taxi http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZgMEPk6fvpg

    — Too soon old, too late smart

  5. over 15 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Speaking of which, folks, I think we should give Joe Allen a pass today, and not pick on whatever he posts. Fair’s fair. No sarcasm here. Seriously.

  6. over 15 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Wiley, you got it wrong!! That bin would be EMPTY!

    This makes me want to live A Very Very Good Life.

    Because think about it.

    What’s going to be going on in Hell?

    24/7/365.25 …

    And the Devil’s Doorman makes you strap one of each of those Devices From Hell to your belt, with no off switch and batteries that never run down, and your numbers are all listed on Yahell!

    Give me a nice lake of fire, with only the sound of eternal screaming, any day.

  7. over 15 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Attn: Sour Grapes Dept. If I had friends I’m sure they would say that my entry was loaded with sardonic-ness and did not receive due consideration

    I must protest. My entry was loaded with spleen, gall, bile, heart, cojones, and just a wee smidgin of brains that appear to have been left in a blender too long.

    “Sardonic-ness” ?? Can we say that here, Wiley?

    It’s very sad, your not having no friends, because they would surely want to perform an intervention to prevent you from making up new words until you get your actual poetic license, and not just the learner’s permit.

    They would, however, probably be too polite to point out to you the difference between dour satire and sour grapes.

    So there


  8. over 15 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Now that I know this, there is no need for me to ever see the movie

    The FX in the movie are way better. Wiley can blame his boss for the lack of a sufficient budget for that, and I’m sure we’ll all be polite enough to nod our heads in willing suspension of disbelief, even though some of us are a tad bit disgruntled at not making the Final Four in the Great Sandwich Board Giveaway * mumble * not naming any names here * mumble *

    But really now - the final entries (entrees?) are great, fantastic, no sour grapes here, but this was the weiner, ah, winner

    Today’s Special Long Pork Supplies are limited So hurry in now

    Too arcane? Too not a one-liner, won’t fit the voting machine? Sigh. The social retards who write the voting software truly are running the world

    Danae, Lucy, run off to Tabongo Bongo Island with me.

    If I had a boat I’d go out on the ocean And if I had a pony I’d ride him on my boat And we could all together Go out on the ocean Me upon my pony on my boat – Lyle Lovett


    — Long pork with sour grapes and weiners - cuisine cordon bleu or I’ll eat my sandwich board

  9. over 15 years ago on Non Sequitur

    ”Jon’s remark has been deleted….it was not that bad” - pearlandpeach

    I took it down, because I completely misunderstood your comment - I’m a little peckish lately - doesn’t take many Self Appointed Moderators to ruin the fun in ToonTown, some of whom have come at me for being unfunny and off topic (as though satireless criticisms of others’ posts are ever either).

    I just quietly deleted it, didn’t want to make any further fuss about it (frankly, I was embarrassed), but since it was noticed, my apologies for taking it out on you, Ms. Pear Landpeach. What a wonderful name.

    Are you any relation to that Mr. Landshark that starred on SNL many years ago? He was a funny guy - or gal, I don’t want to be sexist here, but with fishies, it’s hard to tell, and honestly, with a big hungry shark, who wants to get close enough to … well, let’s just talk about something else, shall we?

    How about that Danae, what a scamp, eh? I bet none of the boys at school ever dares tell her she’s not funny …

  10. over 15 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Joe, remember: just because you’re paranoid, it doesn’t mean someone’s not out to get you

    He says to Joe, fixing him with that unblinking Homeland Security Interrogation stare.

    ? ? ?