No, that’s not what I said. It’s the lunatic, groundless, fearful and bizarre assumptions that constitue true TDS. Let’s make a bet. Will you wager your good name that USA is a dictatorship by 2029 and that Trump has started wars left and right, like a bloodthirsty dictator naturally would, or will you admit that you entertained deranged delusions and were misled by fake media like a mindless sheep? I, of course, will admit that I was wrong if the US is a dictatorship in 2029
that’s the part right there: the fear and assumption that he is a bloodthirsty dictator part. That’s TDS right there. The only US president that never started a war. The one that has safety as the highesr priority. The one that clearly says he puts America first, HE is the bloodthirsty dictator? Now that’s deranged
If you suffer from the same affliction this will probably go over your head, but since you ask nicely: For five decades, Doonesbury has poked fun at sitting presidents, and I’ve always enjoyed it, regardless of whether I supported the president or not. However, when it comes to Trump, there’s an air of vitriolic hate and vileness in the cartoons, as if Garry Trudeau has abandoned his sense of decency. Moreover, the strip perpetuates debunked media narratives—the “fine people” hoax, the Russia collusion hoax, the January 6th insurrection ties, and so on.
Whether you like Trump or not, the portrayal of him as some aspiring bloodthirsty dictator is just absurd. His policies focus on secure borders, a merit-based workforce rather than one defined by gender or ethnicity, and cutting government spending. These are sound conservative principles. You might agree or disagree with them, but the jokes target fabricated media lies rather than engaging with legitimate critiques or policy discussions.
Ha ha, you poor saps would rather receive surgery from an intern at his first day at work, risking your lives, than admit that Trump will make America great.
No, that’s not what I said. It’s the lunatic, groundless, fearful and bizarre assumptions that constitue true TDS. Let’s make a bet. Will you wager your good name that USA is a dictatorship by 2029 and that Trump has started wars left and right, like a bloodthirsty dictator naturally would, or will you admit that you entertained deranged delusions and were misled by fake media like a mindless sheep? I, of course, will admit that I was wrong if the US is a dictatorship in 2029