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Recent Comments

  1. about 16 years ago on Dick Tracy

    Did Tracy dash the gas formula or the perfume into Angy’s face?

    I don’t blame him, she’s carrying a9mm, fair trade?

  2. about 16 years ago on Dick Tracy

    Hey! I am beginning to think like you guys. In the 1st two panels Angelorious doesn’t have a bracelet on her right arm, in the 3rd she does. What formula does the think she has? Perfume when she wanted ethanol?

  3. about 16 years ago on Dick Tracy

    All these things you clowns are criticizing are called “poetic license” something you guys will never know about. I like Tracy, it’s a shame that no newspapers will carry it, at least not where I live.

  4. about 16 years ago on Dick Tracy

    Who knows what the Sunday readers see? In my area all the papers refuse to run Tracy, weekday or Sun.

  5. about 16 years ago on Dick Tracy

    You cats just get off on dissecting this comic. Glad ur getting entertained. I bet you love the “find 6 different things” photo in Sunday’s comics.

    I happen to like Tracy.

  6. about 16 years ago on Dick Tracy

    If you don’t like the story then go find a left wing hate the US & hate Christianity strip, there’s plenty of them out there. I like Tracy & will continue to log on here because for some mysterious reason no newspaper will carry him. “STOP UR WHININ”