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cc2swood7 Free

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Recent Comments

  1. over 15 years ago on Doonesbury

    MisngNOLA…in the Air National guard ? Okay if the “in” is part of “missing in action”.

  2. over 15 years ago on The Boondocks

    blackman2732… Malcolm is all up in PE’s flo. ya better recognize my brotha

  3. over 15 years ago on Doonesbury

    Hey laughaday, chillax…rappers are part of a subculture thumbing their noses at your dominant culture & getting paid while doing so. You think they really care about your stinkin correct abbreviations ?

  4. over 15 years ago on Yenny Lopez

    Okay Ushindi…how did you get a hold of Cleo’s baby picture, who is Cleo & why should we care?

  5. over 15 years ago on The Boondocks

    You could pick most black folk from any commercial…such is the price of progress!

  6. over 15 years ago on Maintaining

    Ahhh, yes…all part of the subtle,long-lasting effects of institutional racism america.

  7. over 15 years ago on The Boondocks

    Well at least Barbara & the adult males…

  8. over 15 years ago on The Boondocks

    Ditto Ushindi & blackman