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  1. over 15 years ago on Gasoline Alley

    Have you ever seen studies on how many germs go shooting into the air from the toilet when one flushes with the lid up. Disgusting!!! After hubby saw one of those, it became a rule that the lid gets closed after every use, no matter what gender you are.

  2. over 15 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    rowena, up until the 20th century, being a secretary was mens work. I wouldn’t want to have told those men that they were “housewives”. Being a secretary was an honorable profession, it meant not having to do manual labor. Then, when the men went off to war, the women stepped up and filled those positions, as well as other jobs. You do have a big chip on your shoulder. No job has to be demeaning; it depends on the feelings of the person doing the job. Even John understands that EVERY one on his staff is important to getting the job done. If he answered his own phone and dealt with the insurance paperwork, then he could see very few patients. His receptionist is important, which is why he asked Ellie to fill in. Being a janitor is not demeaning, it is honest, worthy work. Get over yourself.

  3. over 15 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    Actually, you are supposed to sweep out the tent to keep dirt and rocks from making holes in the floor of the tent when you walk on them. And, when I graduated from high school in 1977, my parents told me that I didn’t need a college education, because I would have a husband to take care of me. Ha! It didn’t happen.