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  1. about 16 years ago on Michael Ramirez

    Yes - you provided a link, and omitted the sentence that would have provided proper context for your quote. And in your reply, you discounted the validity of precedence, as I predicted. Also, if you’ll reread my post, you’ll note that I expressly stated the 12th amendment was passed in large part due to Congress’ concern for the abuse of office they saw in Adams’ actions (which you cite), and they wanted to ensure that electoral politics limited partisan action by the vice president to the greatest extent possible.

  2. about 16 years ago on Marshall Ramsey

    Are those the same Republicans that were in control of Congress from 1994-2007 and did nothing but deregulate and impede oversight of Wall Street at every opportunity, or are you talking about the Republicans like John McCain who were hip deep in the deregulation and subsequent collapse of the savings and loan industry, but learned nothing from their mistakes back in the 1980s? Or maybe you’re referring to the Republicans in Congress who have set all time records for obstructionism in opposing reform efforts since losing majority control in the 2006 elections? Sorry, Satan - you’re not gong to get away with trying to blame the minority party for the actions of the majority by proposing the fiction that the republicans were warning that the sky was falling but they couldn’t do anything about it even though they controlled Congress and the White House. Pure fiction, and you (and everyone else) knows it.

  3. about 16 years ago on Tom Toles

    Bummer is they’re playing with house money, and you know bleeep well they’re not gonna tip the croupier when they lose…

  4. about 16 years ago on Walt Handelsman

    Gee, Satan - didn’t the Republicans have an opportunity over the last 8 years to reform educational policy in the US? Oh yeah….forgot about No Child Left Behind. Just like in Texas before the US, a dramatic failure that equated to “we’re going to be sure and screw EVERY child by eliminating efforts to teach kids to think and make them study to pass standardized tests instead.”

    Oh wait, wait! People are noticing we failed! Blame the unions! Blame the unions!


  5. about 16 years ago on Chris Britt

    You’re right - Palin clearly had no idea about the constitutional empowerment of the vice presidency. However, she lied more than 14 times. Maybe you should ask for a recount.

  6. about 16 years ago on Chip Bok

    They already run the most efficient health care system available in the US today - the program for government employees (including legislators). I’d jump at the chance to join that system. If any candidate were bold enough to say they would expand government health care to cover every citizen, they’d win in a landslide and everybody in the country would be better off.

  7. about 16 years ago on Tony Auth

    An example of McCain’s class warfare: tax cuts that take from the poor and give to the rich - as corroborated by every nonpartisan evaluation conducted of the competing proposals being pushed by the two campaigns. Warfare doesn’t get much more simple than that. Of course, Republicans call it class warfare when you POINT OUT the warfare they’re busy conducting.

  8. about 16 years ago on Paul Szep

    I agree it’s time to let this one go. Unfortunately, Palin hasn’t received the memo, since she repeated this nonsense AGAIN, just LAST WEEK in her interview with Couric. If you don’t like the people broadcasting the message, maybe it’s time to take a look at the mouth from which the insanity is issuing forth.

  9. about 16 years ago on Michael Ramirez

    Nice little piece of hypocrisy there, Machado. Or, maybe it was just an accident that you left out the sentence that precedes your quoted text:

    “There is a strong convention within the U.S. Senate that the vice president not use his position as President of the Senate to influence the passage of legislation or act in a partisan manner, except in the case of breaking tie votes.”

    You probably also want to ignore the fact that the 12h Amendment regarding the election of the vice president was passed in direct opposition to the circumstances that led to Adams, a member of the opposition party, exploiting the legislative empowerment of the office for partisan and political purposes.

    I guess now you’ll argue that precedence and constitutional amendments have no legal standing. Keep up the good fight - some day, surely, you’ll get to own those slaves you think the constitution guarantees you a right to own…