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  1. about 12 years ago on Luann

    More over, comparing a womans body with a computer? REALLY?

    a) computer has monetary value. What will a man gain from sexually assaulting a woman? Sexual satisfaction? Do you really hate the male half of our species so much that you think they are all ruled by their lower half?b) a computer? An inanimate object with no will? THAT’S what you’re comparing a woman with? Do we have no will? Do we have no say? Do we not get to express our desires if we don’t behave in a way that is “proper”?c) the “dressing slutty gets you whate you deserve” defense has a problem. What about men? When men get assaulted, what do we blame them for? Dressing too “slutty”? Were THEY asking for it? I honestly don’t know, so if someone can enlighten me, please, do so.d) it’s about respect. If anyone says no to anything, you’re suppose to respect their wishes. Your belongings got stolen because that person didn’t respect the law, or your right as owner of the property. When anyone keeps pushing their luck despite the other person’s wishes, it’s because they don’t respect that person. In this case, he doesn’t respect her desires or her wishes. Doesn’t respect her as a person with a will of her own that differs from his. Doesn’t respect her as a person, period. More importantly, he doesn’t respect her RIGHT to deny him, her RIGHT to personal space, her RIGHT to be left alone.

    In other words, he doesn’t respect her RIGHTS.Everyone deserves to have their rights.No one deserves to have their rights infringed on.Anyone who infringes on another person’s rights is not a decent human being.

  2. about 12 years ago on Luann

    Seriously? I’d love to see one of you people telling a rape/sexual assault victim that you deeply care about, a good friend, sister/daughter/wife/girlfriend, and tell them it was their fault for “showing the wares”. Except not, because we all know that’s a douche move.

    Which part of “rape/assault is about power” don’t you people understand? Will someone who wear little attract attention, wanted or otherwise? Of course. Is she saying “sex me!”? NO! Similarly, will a decent guy do anything inappropriate do anything to a woman dressed scantily? If any of you answered yes, bad news, you’re not a decent human being.

    Again, assault is about power. Power has nothing to do with sexual attraction. 85% of sexual assualt cases are done by people known to the victim, a friend/husband/boyfriend/uncle/authority figure. Those who wield undeserved power will target the vulnerable. You tell me who’s more vulnerable and will likely be raped: drunk girl or sober girl? girl walking down empty street alone, or girl walking down busy street?If a conservative girl was drunk, or walking down an empty street, and there happens to be a rapist present, do you really think a rapist will say “oh, well, she isn’t displaying her body, I’ll just have to find someone who obviously wants it.” ?!

    If you’re gonna use the laptop in car analogy, assaulting a woman isn’t just breaking into your car and taking the laptop… that’s equivalent of breaking into my personal space and slapping my butt, and you will get a well-deserved slap for it. Sexual assualt/rape is really more like ambushing you while you’re getting your car, and pointing a gun to your head to MAKE you give the guy a ride and give him the laptop for souvenir.