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Recent Comments

  1. about 11 years ago on My Cage: New and Old

    Hot lemonade is fantastic.

  2. about 11 years ago on My Cage: New and Old

    Hey, Santa V Dracula just arrived, and it looks wonderful! Good job, guys.

  3. over 11 years ago on Glenn McCoy

    McCoy has been taunting Obama for not doing anything about the Syrians crossing the red line, and now this? Sorry, it doesn’t count as “editorial” when your only position is “Everything Obama does is wrong”.

  4. over 12 years ago on My Cage: New and Old

    Dotted Line Girl and her cheetah sound great, though I have to admit I like the sound of stinky giant teeth, too.

  5. over 12 years ago on My Cage: New and Old

    Pearls before SwinePooch CafeTom the Dancing Bug

  6. over 12 years ago on My Cage: New and Old

    Nah, Ed, it was perfect. This is funny stuff.

  7. over 12 years ago on Luann

    Standing up and cheering for your comment, Ev.

  8. over 12 years ago on Luann

    Seems to me that a friend who spends her time making snide remarks that are aimed over my head might be smarter than me, might be cooler than me, but certainly is a lesser human being. Who would do that – who would be that mean? If Crystal doesn’t like Tiffany, she should stop hanging around with her. Amusing yourself at someone else’s expense – someone who thinks you are her friend – is a d!ck move. If my daughter behaved that way I’d be ashamed of her.

  9. over 12 years ago on Luann

    OK, wait just a dang minute here. When Luann does things just to annoy Tiffany, everybody here chuckles at how cute and clever she’s being. I’ve been reading this strip fairly steadily for about ten years, and on balance Luann is a heckuva lot meaner to Tiffany than Tiffany is to Luann – tell me again why T is the bad guy?

  10. almost 13 years ago on New Adventures of Queen Victoria

    Thank you, we’ve been having a very nice day, camping and putting out the bedding plants.