Awfulhorrid's Profile
Awfulhorrid Free
Genderqueer (Pronouns: they/them), pansexual, polyamorous, Pagan, Linux-advocating, Web-Developer geek. That about covers it, right?
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- over 3 years ago on Super-Fun-Pak Comix
about 4 years ago
on Brewster Rockit
It may be less that they’re incompatible with each other and the fact that the contents of the reference memory address (i.e., the binary output) is corrupted in both units. The number of digits displayed seems off (should be groups of 8), but we could assume the lead grouping is assumed to be 0 padded.
With both outputs, I tried ASCII, ASCII/UTF-8, UTF-16 little endian, UTF-16 big endian, and plain UNICODE conversions for text output. I even assumed these might be transmitted data packets, so “reversed” the digit order. All of these resulted in corrupted gibberish!
Which honestly may be appropriate for anything dealing with Oldbot!
over 4 years ago
on MythTickle
Even better: Get a generic computer (or build your own hardware such as a Raspberry Pi by Adafruit) and run Linux on it. If you’re going to be one of the first users, may as well start out with something good.
almost 5 years ago
on Super-Fun-Pak Comix
He is: 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 20 …
(Today’s comment courtesy of “Ask a software engineer”)
over 5 years ago
on Pearls Before Swine
Jef is annoying, but I can’t help but see some truth to his statements.
I’m not a biker, I’m a runner. I stay on the sidewalk, except of course for the 750 meters or so road in front of our house that completely lacks sidewalk. Oddly enough, I’ve seriously considered carrying a small hammer specifically for that stretch of road. That road works out well for my warm up / cool down period, so I’m walking along it. Again, no sidewalk, so I’m off the road, as far over as I can without actually being in the ditch, yet every time I’m on it, at least once I wonder if I’m going to need to jump in the ditch because of the cars hugging or (only slightly less commonly) actually edging over the white line.
Most drivers completely fail to grasp right of way laws, speed limits, and other responsibilities of operating a 2+ ton steel death machine. (Yeah, I’m a driver too, but having been on the other side of the windshield so much, I find I pay a lot more attention to those laws and courtesies!)
Don’t even get me started on people that make right hand turns on red without ever looking in the direction to which they’re turning. (Often without actually stopping at the light at all.)
almost 6 years ago
on Phoebe and Her Unicorn
Grace Hopper is one of my all time heroes! I wasn’t lucky enough to meet her, but they were still using some of her videoed talks when I was in USAF tech school back in the late 80’s.
almost 6 years ago
on Phoebe and Her Unicorn
So you’re still wrong. What’s your point?
almost 6 years ago
on Phoebe and Her Unicorn
Yes, I’m very familiar with the book.
It’s not accurate to say they did not have a sex, rather the people of Winter were all of a single sex until social circumstances (stress, emotions, or environment) changed them for the situation. Considering she wrote that several decades ago, (the copy I’m holding right now, is dated copyright 1969) the terms sex and gender were still being used interchangeably. This is no longer accurate.
almost 6 years ago
on Phoebe and Her Unicorn
While it’s true that their orientation has not been mentioned, Infernus is still trans, or at least would be within human classification. (Trans meaning that you were assigned an incorrect gender at birth, but discovered that this was incorrect.) For unicorns, perhaps they do not assign genders in this manner.
That last letter is just as valid as the others!
almost 6 years ago
on Phoebe and Her Unicorn
Why would you assume any such thing?
I was really confused when I saw a man wearing a “America – Love It Or Leave It” shirt while performing repairs to his house.