No bio available
Just plain leave him. She can do better.
This strip was drawn when Mr. Watterson was having a dispute with the cartoon distribution syndicate.
I wonder what is going through the heads of Calvin and Susie’s moms? Do they intervene? Do they stay out of it? Is there enough wine in the world to make this go away?
A husband never wants to hear he looks like his dad and/or sounds like his mother.
I hope this isn’t just some dream Tiffany’s having.
In the very last original strip Cathy and Irving show her parents a sonogram and announce,“It’s a girl.”
Who drew today’s strip. Rush Limbaugh? It’s ignorant and sexist enough to be his work.
Bill Watterson is flamingly brilliant!!
Is there a good way for kids to die?
Or they change the name knowing the uninformed like you will buy anything that preaches hatred and intolerance to anyone smarter than you.
Just plain leave him. She can do better.