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  1. over 5 years ago on Non Sequitur

    … and we also have an excellent used/rare book shop in nearby Franklin, MA, The Shire Bookshop, with 100,000 titles over 6000 quart feet. Two wonderful people, Jack & Jean, have owned and operated the place since 1982.

  2. over 5 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Very close to where I live, we have an independent bookstore, An Unlikely Story, a fairly new bookstore owned and operated by Jeff Kinney, author of the Wimpy Kid series. It is a beautiful, State-of-the-Art place that has become very popular here in Massachusetts. It is also the site of my wedding!


  3. about 6 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Re: Kraft, isn’t the irony just astonishing? And yet the Boston Globe continues to decline into irrelevance with the dropping of Non-Sequitur just a small indicator

  4. about 6 years ago on Non Sequitur

    The craven, gutless editorial board of The Boston Globe, so-called bastion of quality print journalism in New England, ditched Non-Sequitur in the wake of this overblown non-issue. No doubt that the influence of owner John Henry (Red Sox owner) and the Trump-loving New England Patriots owner Bob Kraft and his minions had much to do with that decision. Coming on the heels of the Boston Globe eviscerating their comics section just a few months ago, I guess this dinosaur print subscriber will be ending my decades-long subscription with the Boston Globe and getting my news elsewhere. To editors everywhere, you don’t keep subscribers by giving in to those extremists who seek to squelch criticism of their political gods…