When I had mine out, many many years ago in the UK, they used very powerful local anesthetic. I could feel the pulling and hear the cracking but I felt no pain. I then took the train home on my own (which was not wise!)
We didn’t remove doors. We printed huge sheets of images of a brick wall, and taped them over a door. It looks like you have have been walled in overnight.
My daughter had to decorate an Easter Egg, which she insisted on doing herself. IBut here was, I admit, pretty rubbish compared to the one that her class mate submitted. It was only later that we found out that one of her classmates father worked for a chocolatier and had hers done by the factory design staff. She won the competition by a country mile.
Her twin sister is still going strong. In fact Angel seems in rude health, apart from the fact she has Feline dementia (who knew that was a thing). Nikki, who died, was suffering from thyroid problems, racing heart, and oedema. She died peacefully, on her own, just before the vet did a PTS. Whe was purring, lay down, and passed away. Oh plus we have Shish Kebab [don’t ask!] our 7 year old tom. He came for 3 months whilst my daughters then boy friend, now husband, was homeless. He just stayed.
Come people - its a comic. Its not necessarily how Lynn feels.
I found this the funniest thing she has done in many weeks. But then I get to hire people and to approve other peoples hires, so its a little closer to home.
Oh well played. This is very true, and very very funny. Very well played.