I don’t envy Scancarelli. He inherited one of the most famous of all running scripts with the most daunting of tasks: age in real time its founding star who by now would be around 118 years old or so.
Skeezix, the baby found by “Uncle Walt” on the doorstep in the early 1920’s, should be around 90. Dementia and colostomy bags ain’t funny.
Dick Moores created his own cast of diversions to take the spotlight of of Walt and Skeezix, plus he had the budding romance of Slim and Clovia to chronicle (and if you want to see some winsome, beautiful artwork, look those strips up.)
But Scancarelli is also dealing with newspaper real estate that can’t handle more than stick figures.
Perhaps if the strips went all web, or subscription, we’d see the return of real illustration.
And in reference to that, take a look at the 1930’s and 40’s Frank King Sundays!
I don’t envy Scancarelli. He inherited one of the most famous of all running scripts with the most daunting of tasks: age in real time its founding star who by now would be around 118 years old or so.
Skeezix, the baby found by “Uncle Walt” on the doorstep in the early 1920’s, should be around 90. Dementia and colostomy bags ain’t funny.
Dick Moores created his own cast of diversions to take the spotlight of of Walt and Skeezix, plus he had the budding romance of Slim and Clovia to chronicle (and if you want to see some winsome, beautiful artwork, look those strips up.)
But Scancarelli is also dealing with newspaper real estate that can’t handle more than stick figures.
Perhaps if the strips went all web, or subscription, we’d see the return of real illustration.
And in reference to that, take a look at the 1930’s and 40’s Frank King Sundays!