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- over 9 years ago on Inspector Danger's Crime Quiz
over 9 years ago
on Dick Tracy
Never cross somebody with a chin like that. You’ll be sorry if you do.
over 9 years ago
on Inspector Danger's Crime Quiz
I vote the tooth fairy. She’s been packing serious heat these days, and recently had a falling-out with the victim. Happens to have the weapon that casing fits, too.
over 9 years ago
on Inspector Danger's Crime Quiz
I’m guessing a slow freight. Any fast train would have covered the noise of the gun, you could hardly hope to hear a gun going off because of the clatter of the train. The timing means that the train had to be West-bound, as well—- an East-bound train would have covered the noise of the shots with its own clatter before the witness could have heard them.
over 9 years ago
on Inspector Danger's Crime Quiz
I had a problem with the newspaper explanation. Sorry, Mr Werner, but that will never do. No murder committed in the afternoon could possibly make the afternoon papers. It takes time to set the story up, run it through the presses, edit it and so on. Even a 10:00 AM murder is pushing it a bit—- the newspaper crew would have to run like rabbits to make it on time for the evening editions.
Television and radio are a little different— they can have a reporter on the scene before the body gets cold.
over 9 years ago
on Inspector Danger's Crime Quiz
The only things that tie hubby to the crime are 1. He’s the husband. When a spouse ends up dead, the mate is ALWAYS at the top of the list of suspects. 2. So far, he’s the only suspect. That narrows the search somewhat.
The charger—- maybe, maybe not. People do sometimes have other chargers, especially in a case like this where you have two homes. Chargers are easily forgotten, having a spare at the summer cottage solves that problem. In and of itself, it’s not even enough proof to effect an arrest.
over 9 years ago
on Inspector Danger's Crime Quiz
The housekeeper did it. Smashing the window with a rock would have disturbed everybody in the house. The murder victim would have been out of bed and ready, perhaps, to defend himself. Therefore, the window was broken AFTER the victim was murdered. Further—- murdering a man in his sleep by stabbing him is something that women do. (Sorry, ladies— it’s true and I ain’t taking that statement back.) If the nephew had done it, he would have brought a gun along for the purpose— and possibly done the deed at the victim’s office.
over 9 years ago
on Inspector Danger's Crime Quiz
Gotta do better than that! With the “evidence” given, a halfway competent attorney could have the inspector for false arrest. On the other hand—- sounds like there are maybe a few more suspect than we know about. Everybody who knew the victim hated him.
over 9 years ago
on Dick Tracy
It’s been awhile since I last replied here. I got to thinking yesterday about where we’ve come to in just a couple of years with this strip. Two years ago, Tracy was hiding and cowering in fear—- the absolute worst example possible of a detective. Seriously, he should have been cashiered because he was a danger to himself and to the force.Today—- a whole different story. Dick Tracy is what he should be. He’s leading his forces from the front, and the bad guys are in for a hard time before they get hard time.
over 9 years ago
on Inspector Danger's Crime Quiz
Never— EVER— try to use a photo to establish your alibi in an “Inspector Danger” strip. It will always trip you up.
At least learn how to use Photoshop properly if you do use a photo.
Sorry, ol’ bud—- but you couldn’t convict the Pope of being Roman Catholic with evidence like this. Gotta do better if you hope to get an arrest that sticks.