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  1. about 16 years ago on Tank McNamara

    Hey Tony.. FYI I follow pretty much every blog on the SB nation that has anything to do with the cardinals, including most of the blogs out of the central as well as any teams that we are discussing trades with. I have interest in what my opponents are doing. And trust me, you cub fans are entertaining!! Reading all of you scrubbie fans get your panties in a bunch in a blog usually makes me laugh. Most everyone feels that laughing at the cubs is okay? Isn’t that why they’re still around? And don’t give me the last 2 years we won the division BS.. Bc that’s a joke! You’ve still won as many playoff games as us since our last world series!!! The NL central is an absolute joke in the playoffs any year we’re not there.. excluding when the astros made it interesting (only to get swept in the WS)

  2. about 16 years ago on Tank McNamara

    Hah.. hilarious!!! Now if only you could have included something about a black cat.. or bartman.. or something fun that happened this year during the playoffs? lmao! How about this for a joke..

    How come the cubs committed an error at every IF position this post season?

    It’s hard to field a ball when you’ve got both hands around your neck! LMAO

    In all seriousness though.. Everyone loves making fun of the cubs.. If you can’t handle it then you shouldn’t be rooting for a team who has the worst history of any professional franchise. You guys could support the sox, no? And I think it’s hilarious how Bleed Cubbie Blue took the time to actually post this on the website. What a tool!!! “Hey guys I saw this thing online, and it toootally offended me! I mean, come on! Will you guys set up accounts to back up our diapered bears? OMG.. like, toally fabulous!! It’s gonna happen!!”