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  1. almost 15 years ago on Garfield

    emmm… two spiders are all named Vern?

  2. about 15 years ago on Garfield

    that’s John….

  3. about 15 years ago on Garfield

    emm…what a beautify night..haha.

  4. about 15 years ago on Garfield

    A hamster? Garfield eat that??

  5. about 15 years ago on Garfield

    to JonD17: thank you, I think i got the point, i will try to explain it into Chinese…

  6. about 15 years ago on Garfield

    …why this is a life-transforming?

  7. about 15 years ago on Garfield

    I just want to know the content of that list…. is there something Garfield don’t like?

  8. about 15 years ago on Garfield

    to JonD17, Blackcloud1138 and Autumn, thanks for your help and it’s very useful for me!

  9. about 15 years ago on Garfield

    EMM… what’s the meaning of DYNOMITE?

  10. about 15 years ago on Garfield

    to RadioTech and JanCinVV:

    thank you for your explanation. that’s helpful!